Is it normal that i can't stand pro-lifers?
I can't stand people who call themselves "Pro-Lifers". They're more like "Anti-Choicers" and "Pro-Birthers"." Here are my reasons why I can't stand these people and wish they would vanish off the Earth's surface as well as their beliefs:
1) Even though a fetus may technically have it's own body, it's still very dependent on the mother for nutrients and isn't even viable until weeks 28-30 after a pregnancy occurs. So until that point, a embryo/fetus IS part of the mother.
2) Life may "begin" at conception, but Personhood/Identity (the thing that actually matters), doesn't begin until birth (I don't know about you, but a person who actually experienced being brought into the world, lived a bit, made memories, and developed setience/feelings is FAR more important that a developing nobody as a fetus is practically a stranger until you get to know him/her).
3) These "pro-lifers" are all about forcing a woman to give birth against her will but once the kid's born, the pro-lifers are all like "Screw you, kid. We ain't helping ya no more" and ignore the said baby from that point onward (which proves that they just don't want women to have choice over their bodies. If they were really "Pro-Life", they would adopt the said kid they wanted to be born REGARDLESS of how hard it might be. That and they'd actually be there for the mothers alot more and be the child's babysitters/nannies.
4) These people are hypocrites. Some actually support abortions in the cases of Incest and Rape. People, you're either for it or you're not. Stop trying to seem like you're on a different side when you're clearly on yours.
5) It's personally none of their business. Pro-Lifers have no right trying to tell a woman what she can/can't do with her own body. If they're against it, fine. Just don't force your beliefs unto others and don't get abortions yourselves.
6) Foster Care System and Orphanages. Do these people not know how many kids are already cramped into these homes where they aren't loved and often abused? Do Pro-Lifers really want to see more of these rather then allowing women to get abortions to prevent them in the first place? It's much more humane to abort an unwanted pregnancy than to let a baby be born just to end up in one of these places or get abused/neglected by it's own mother.
So if you're Pro-Life and don't adopt/help a woman graciously with her unwanted baby, then you're just being selfish and I can't take the likes of you seriously. Sadly, I too used to be a Pro-Life Dimwit (likely because of my religious upbringing but I'm no longer religious now). But thanks to the change of ideas, I became Pro-Choice. I'm damn well happy about it too. That means I can't be associated with the "Pro-Lifers". BTW, "Pro-Choice" does not neccessarily mean "Pro-Abortion" or "Pro-Dead Baby". It just means these people are actually accepting/open to a woman's beliefs and support any decision she makes whether she's keeping a kid or getting an abortion.