Is it normal that i can't stand pro-lifers?

I can't stand people who call themselves "Pro-Lifers". They're more like "Anti-Choicers" and "Pro-Birthers"." Here are my reasons why I can't stand these people and wish they would vanish off the Earth's surface as well as their beliefs:

1) Even though a fetus may technically have it's own body, it's still very dependent on the mother for nutrients and isn't even viable until weeks 28-30 after a pregnancy occurs. So until that point, a embryo/fetus IS part of the mother.

2) Life may "begin" at conception, but Personhood/Identity (the thing that actually matters), doesn't begin until birth (I don't know about you, but a person who actually experienced being brought into the world, lived a bit, made memories, and developed setience/feelings is FAR more important that a developing nobody as a fetus is practically a stranger until you get to know him/her).

3) These "pro-lifers" are all about forcing a woman to give birth against her will but once the kid's born, the pro-lifers are all like "Screw you, kid. We ain't helping ya no more" and ignore the said baby from that point onward (which proves that they just don't want women to have choice over their bodies. If they were really "Pro-Life", they would adopt the said kid they wanted to be born REGARDLESS of how hard it might be. That and they'd actually be there for the mothers alot more and be the child's babysitters/nannies.

4) These people are hypocrites. Some actually support abortions in the cases of Incest and Rape. People, you're either for it or you're not. Stop trying to seem like you're on a different side when you're clearly on yours.

5) It's personally none of their business. Pro-Lifers have no right trying to tell a woman what she can/can't do with her own body. If they're against it, fine. Just don't force your beliefs unto others and don't get abortions yourselves.


6) Foster Care System and Orphanages. Do these people not know how many kids are already cramped into these homes where they aren't loved and often abused? Do Pro-Lifers really want to see more of these rather then allowing women to get abortions to prevent them in the first place? It's much more humane to abort an unwanted pregnancy than to let a baby be born just to end up in one of these places or get abused/neglected by it's own mother.

So if you're Pro-Life and don't adopt/help a woman graciously with her unwanted baby, then you're just being selfish and I can't take the likes of you seriously. Sadly, I too used to be a Pro-Life Dimwit (likely because of my religious upbringing but I'm no longer religious now). But thanks to the change of ideas, I became Pro-Choice. I'm damn well happy about it too. That means I can't be associated with the "Pro-Lifers". BTW, "Pro-Choice" does not neccessarily mean "Pro-Abortion" or "Pro-Dead Baby". It just means these people are actually accepting/open to a woman's beliefs and support any decision she makes whether she's keeping a kid or getting an abortion.

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67% Normal
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Comments ( 15 )
  • smallboobies:(

    I personally don't agree with abortion, however I have no right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I'm not going to shove my belief down their throats. it makes me sad that they choose to abort the child, but its their decision. I guess id be more in the middle of pro-choice and pro-life.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Every single right to life person I've ever heard of is a total hypocrite! I have yet to hear of a single one acting on their beliefs; it's all lip service for them. If they would adopt those crack babies whose lives they want to save, then I would at least have a tiny bit of respect for them, but oh,no, they aren't going to adopt some crack addicted whore's baby. Not in their lily white homes they aren't. Hypocrites, one and all!

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    • VirgilManly

      Ever notice that "Right To Life" people are more than likely in favor of the death penalty?

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      • Ellenna

        And very rarely anti war?

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  • Ell1ott

    I'm a pro-life agnostic who is also firmly against the death penalty. I believe that life starts at conception and that abortion is murder, pure and simple.

    You state that "Pro-Lifers have no right trying to tell a woman what she can/can't do with her own body" but what about the fetus's right to life? It hasn't done anything wrong. It hasn't even been given a chance.

    If you're going to have sex (and I do occasionally) then unwanted pregnancy is a risk you're going to have to take. There are plenty of contraceptive methods to lessen the risk, but it's always there. I accept that.

    I can't say theres much that I have in common with bible-bashers (I'm also pro-gay marriage and gay adoption) but I strongly agree with their morals when it comes to abortion. It is murder.

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  • Energy

    Fully agreed.

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  • seakelp

    Just to be clear, I am not in favor of the illegalization of abortion, but I'm gonna play devil's advocate here.

    1)Babies are very much dependent on their caretakers to meet even the most basic of needs. Also, define viable in this context. Subjective sensationalistic assertion.

    2)You're just expressing an opinion. By that definition, an older individual's life necessarily has more value than a younger person's simply by virtue of having 'experienced' more. In addition, simply being removed from a womb doesn't by itself initiate any significant neurological changes. That happens significantly later.

    3)Another baseless assertion. A vast myriad of orphanages are religious-based. In addition, many foster parent programs have religious aspects to them. In addition, individuals you are referring to as "Pro-lifers" have differing views on other political topics. For example, some may be in favor of shrinking various social safety nets, however, others are in favor of expanding them.

    4)Again, there is a diversity of opinion in the camp that you're calling "Pro-lifers." Perhaps some just want to reduce the number of abortions performed, and are willing to compromise on certain points if that means they can at least partially reduce them.

    5)From their perspective, the mothers in this case are murdering their children. I'm sure you are in favor of laws protecting children that are already born. These people simply have a wider definition of 'children.'

    6)So if someone if going to experience unhappiness, it's better to kill them? That's a pretty bleak outlook.

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  • woodlawn723

    I am pro life but have friends of every opinion on the sbject----You may be judging pro life people by some fanatics--You maybe judging this group with too broad a judgement--personally you will like some people who are pro life if given a chance to know them as people--I can have friends of either opinion. I do not argue about it ever--i simply say if necessary---I have my opinion and i do not argue with others nor wish to have others argue with me--it works

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  • LadyOfDecay♡

    Personally, I do not agree with abortion. Why? Two reasons. 1 - I respect all living things, and believe its wrong to end a life, whether its dependent on the mother or not. How is it that a mother can choose to kill the fetus while it is still in the womb, but after the birth, when a baby is still VERY much dependent on the mother, its considered a very unacceptable crime to kill the infant?

    I think its a matter of guilt, to be honest. If you haven't seen it, held it, and heard it breathe, its life doesn't matter. However after its out of the womb, its another story.

    Anyway, reason number two I am against abortion is because it is a complete and utter way of bitching out of responsibility.

    I am in no way one of those people who tries to push the idea of procreating onto women who have no interest in having babies, but for fuck's sake, if you were to goddamn stupid to prevent pregnancy, you should not be allowed to weasel out of your responsibility by simply killing the fetus YOU and some guy created.

    I'm not religious at all, and I believe every woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body, but killing a fetus? That's someone else's body, too. I don't go around telling women who are pro abortion that they are wrong and need to change, because its none of my business. I do however, believe they're wrong, but I will not force my beliefs on them.

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  • dom180

    There is value in your first two points. Those are the two I think about the most. I think they are valid and for me they are enough to seal the debate. Your other four points seem more like you taking shots at people you don't like rather than focusing on the issue of abortion, and I don't think it's necessary or helpful.

    Start caring more about the issue and less about the people. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    People that want an abortion will get one and people that don't won't get one, anyone can gather points about an issue and present them to feel right about something.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I don't understand you wanting people to be for or against it's not a for or against issue it's unique to each situation and dependant on things like quality of life saying it's acceptable for one situation but not for another isn't hypocritical.

    I think abortion is a viable choice in some instances but not in others.

    A child will be born with a horrific condition, they wont live long and their very short existance will be a struggle and will be filled with constant pain untill they die a painful death.

    to me that's a horrible situation but it would be an understandable choice.

    On the other hand a couple just can't be bothered to have a child, that's not an acceptable reason but that doesn't make me a hypocrite it means i'm able to tell the difference between the two situations

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    • Ellenna

      So a couple who "can't be bothered" with a child should be forced to have it? Or rather, the woman should be forced to have it?

      How would you ensure or force them to be bothered to treat the child well after it's born?

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      • charli.m

        Pretty sure what he's saying is it shouldnt bw used as birth control.

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  • I have mixed views on the subject. I don't mean mixed views in a confused way either. I just have a different view that doesn't fall on either side.

    I am against late term abortion. The fetus can feel pain at that point and has developed into a baby. Either get an abortion or don't. This isn't something to wait around to decide if you want.

    If somebody keeps getting repeated abortions or is on drugs, they should be fixed. I don't think abortion is something people should use as a backup plan. It should be an emergency situation that was otherwise attempted to prevent from happening. People who say, "I could just get an abortion" are not being responsible and should be fixed.

    I don't believe life is about choices. Most things choose you and we don't always get a choice about what happens.

    Sometimes abortion is the better decision though. It's even the better decision in most those things I suggested, (Except late term abortion which is lazy and inexcusable.) but I do support mandatory sterilization of people who constantly fuck up and obviously cannot show the responsibility to have kids.

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