Is it normal that i can't stand reality anymore?

It's been awhile now that i get tired of my life. I get up with memories of dreams i had and instantly become sad because i woke up. I fell empty and i can't focus on things like courses and fights i have sometimes with family. I have a place in my head where i can go to and do whatever i want and i'm happier there. I could stay there but i have things to do here in real life. I'm not a internet addict i'm a fantasy and science fiction addict. I can't stop thinking of stuff that doesn't exist! I've been bullied with this a lot. Is it normal? will it go away?

Yes it is normal 38
not it's not normal 4
it happens to everyone 20
you need help with this 13
it'll go away eventually 17
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Comments ( 8 )
  • JadedUnknown

    Are you depressed? I am too... These days, when I wake up, I immediately feel crappy, because I'd much rather be in my dream. My dreams aren't even that pleasant.

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    • CrimsonRain

      Im the same...but yet im being abused so much so I hate reality and want to get away...I want to just commit pretty sure im not loved anyways..

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      • CHDE

        you might not feel loved but you are. I'm like you :)
        I never felt like my mom loves me but she does and now i can see it. It's really nice from you to come here and understanding me. Don't suicide. Because then i'll be all alone this way. Don't give up just yet :)

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  • Short4Words

    You have to try to make your reality a reality you want to live in. First step would be do things that are more interesting to you. You have a great imagination, use it to your advantage. How could you benefit the sci-fi or fantasy community with your talents, and what sort of related events do you want to participate in?

    There's larping and cosplay and a whole load more. You just need to crack down and get out of your head for a second to realize that reality doesn't have to suck and your imagination can have a big place in it too.

    Just think about what I said, I use to be unable to stop daydreaming and often felt like you did, the important thing is to use it.

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  • agentchaos

    reality sucks

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  • laylany

    hi there might u have some depression dear. try 2 make more friends and interact more with people.

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  • BloodRedAndTrue

    i honestly think us humans weren't suppose to have our minds as saturated as they are with the media we have shoved down our throats every single day. driven and scared by money and materialistic things that have higher value than our own human selfs..

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  • dybex

    Read more Philip K Dick. Valis is an amazing SciFi adventure that also deals with the author's own real-life mental problems and depression.

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