Is it normal that i can't stand to touch cardboard?

Is it normal that I hate touching cardboard? It grosses me out, and makes me want to throw up whenever I feel it! I have to put gloves on to open packages that I get in the mail, boxes at work, I even have to tear off the cardboard back to my notebooks!

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69% Normal
Based on 225 votes (155 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • zelit

    For me its wet wood. Like Popsicle sticks. Makes me shutter even thinking about it. Most of the time it has something to do with an early childhood experience. For example people who are afraid of spiders probability saw a parents reaction when they reached out to touch a spider as a toddler. The sudden loud noise, the fast hand movement, the no no no it's bad. It gets hard wired into your brain as part of basic survival. It will stay with you for the rest of your life.

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  • Dengar

    Not normal but I know what you mean. I grind my teeth and get jitters whenever I write with a normal #2 pencil.

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  • flax

    Totally agree. Especially when you have to get those archive boxes together and they make that sound....ugh, I get goosebumps and feel nauseated, I don't know why.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I can't stand to touch velvet.

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  • Randomguy4361

    ok.. i wasn't aware of this phobia...i dont consider it normal

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    With me it's wet plastic packets.

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  • ItsOnlyJustMe

    Ugh.. perfectly normal. I'm the same way. I have the hardest time touching paper products at all.

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