Is it normal that i can't stop counting in my head?

I'm ALWAYS counting in my head. I can't stop. I've counted up to over 1,000 by 3 and 4 and I can't stop. I can't stop and it's very difficult to not think about it. Is this weird?

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46% Normal
Based on 69 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • elliemango

    Wow.. I do the exact same thing. I only started recently but it's really bugging me. Are you an anxious or impatient person like me? In the begging I did this when I was waiting for something but now it's become such a habit I do it all the time and I don't know why =/

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  • ALEXA808

    lol yes it means you're nervous or have ocd, so yea normal for a crazy person.

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  • stormmelody

    If you had a job that involved counting (cashier), then it might be because of that. It sounds like OCD, though.

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  • xbelievexinxitx

    I do this all the time. except i count the letters of words around me. like, I'll count to see if the word has an even amount of letters. sometimes i get pissed when they're not even. lol. i don't really do it for a reason, it just happens when i'm not doing anything.

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