Is it normal that i can't stop worrying about this so much?

Since I was younger I've always felt like a man, even tough on the outside I am not. And lately, more than before,I've been thinking about my future and what I would do; if I'd get surgery or I'd find a way to deal with this. But I'm not certain if I'm transgendered or not. I'd like to be a man, but something is kinda holding me back. And I'm like "No, that will never be you" And I cannot stop thinking about it! It's so frustrating, and it interferes with my schoolwork and social life. I can't find a way to stop worrying.
Thanks for listening. Sorry if it's kinda long :S

Go talk to a professional. 21
Other. (Leave a comment) 3
It's normal. 9
Wait until you're older. 4
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Comments ( 2 )
  • lolol555

    O.O I'm the same!
    Wait a while, try not to let it get in the way but have a long think about it. If you really can't decide for yourself, talk to a professional about it. Once you've made your decision wait a while longer to see if you stick with it and are comfortable... Then take action, if any.

    I really wish the best for you, it's incredibly hard when you don't know and aren't completely comfortable with your gender.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    You could seek therapy for this problem. They wouldn't be able to give you all the answers, but help you reach the correct answers on your own. I saw do whatever makes you happy!

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