Is it normal that i can't talk to/about women?

So, I am in high school, and I have a /VERY/ hard time talking to girls my age. It is worse if I like her, but even if I've known her for a while, it's still tough. I can't really talk to my friends about girls either. Just feels... wrong. Also, even if I do (by some force of God) talk to/about a girl, I /cannot/ say her name.
As per the advice of my friend, I texted (or technically IM'd) the girl that I have a crush on (very much so!), and my heart rate was higher than it's ever been. So due to that, I highly doubt I could ever talk to her in person, even though I need to.
Is it normal that I can't talk to women? Or is something wrong with me?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 35 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • ygrowup

    Normal for many, but not most!

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    • A_Wonderful_Username

      Ok, good.

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    • GuessWho

      ^ This.

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  • regisphilbin

    being intoxicated makes everything easier

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  • augustxo

    You'll get better at it with age/experience. Don't worry. (:

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    • Luckily, I have somewhat.

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  • EdWall234

    The best thing to overcome timidness is to make a complete idiot of yourself in front of some girls you don't know. If that's too much for you, start with just saying 'hello' to strangers to build up some courage.

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    • A_Wonderful_Username

      I don't know, that still seems a bit much for me...

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      • EdWall234

        When I first started attempting to talk to strangers, it was like my mouth was filled with plaster. As difficult as it was I had to nut up and blurt out that first word, now it's easy for me. Every guy as little bit of an ego, that's why it's difficult to talk to girls. Forget about your ego, drunks don't have an ego and look how confident they are.

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    im the same way,for some reason there beauty intimidates me.

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    • A_Wonderful_Username

      Yeah, IKR?

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