Is it normal that i cannot draw people at all?

Ive been an artist for four years and learned how to draw a wide range of things from animals to graffiti to creatures and straight up random stuff but cannot draw people to save my life, I just wanted to know, is it normal?

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 81 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • dodongos

    I usually don't have any problem drawing people.
    They don't necessarily always look like the same person afterwards, but I guess that's what practice is for.

    I personally wish I could do other things, like drawing from my imagination, because I'm awful at that.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    People are one of the hardest thing to draw. We also do not have much hair so you are drawing texture of skin which is very difficult.

    Try to practice your shading and look up how to make different textures. Skin is not the same as fur and fur is much easier since you can draw patterns to follow.

    A face is all shading and if you do not do it correctly give the face a completely different personality and look. It is also much harder to sculpt people next to anything else. If you are bad at shading maybe you can try stippling.

    Stippling is often used for comments and does take awhile. Stippling is what they use on money. So try copying a bill of money. You can either use stippling or shading. Personally I can not stand stippling and I find it very tedious.

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    • dodongos

      I love stippling! :D

      It's cross-contour lines I can't stand, which they also use on money, I believe.

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  • neuronarf

    Oh yea..went through that.. you just have to tackle it and practice will make perfect. and of course, not everything has to be anatomically correct, just let it flow.

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  • Mutt

    Completely normal for me! I only practiced drawing animal species for 5 years, and well became amazing at them (much better than I began to say the least) And I never really practiced Anthro or Human art... So never imporved!

    As they say Practice makes perfect n.n

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  • DameInDistress

    I'm crap at everything else but I'm really good at drawing people, especially anime.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I suck at drawing people and animals. I've realized that maybe I should try to "simplify" and try not to be too realistic as every time I've tried that I always end up failing.

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  • Yes, I couldn't draw people either to my basement.

    It helps if you lay out traps and have a bottle of chloroform nearby. But watch out for the skinny ones; they're fighters.

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  • jucedaguy

    If you can't draw a crowd, draw dicks on the wall.

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  • Shrunk

    It just takes practice same with all kinds of drawing

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  • dirtybirdy

    Normal. You can draw their blood if you really wanted to though >:]

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I've drawn and painted some pretty crazy and pretty detailed stuff, but people and photorealism in general is one of the things that always eludes me as an artist.

    I know it's partially because while I appreciate things that are technically correct and recognize artistic ability in them, they don't speak to me or move me at all. Why spend 70+ hours making the perfect portrait when in that time period I could crank out 5 to 10 other pieces depending on size and complexity?

    Plus human faces are obnoxiously difficult. To try to portray a person accurately requires such minor adjustments; the human facial structure is so complex yet often so subtle.. it really is a difficult thing to do.

    I generally use anthropomorphic characters in my artwork though I'm working into human figures just because I feel it's an important thing to learn, but I prefer half humans, fey creatures, aliens, and what would be considered "furry" characters, because there's more freedom of form and (in my opinion) more opportunity for expression in these more unfamiliar forms and faces, but I can only speak for my art here, no one else's.

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  • Ifidieyoung

    ^ I agree with that. Also,people are very, very complex. Ik now when I draw people, they just end up looking like a 5 year old drew on a basket ball and put it on a stick XD

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  • It's normal. Either you don't practice them, you practice them wrong, or you have no interest in drawing people. There are a lot of artists who prefer to draw things like animals or landscapes so it's not a big deal unless you're building a portfolio for college or something.

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