Is it normal that i cannot focus for long while reading a book ?

I cannot concentrate for long while i am reading a book . i began to think of something else.why is that so ?
I know that i have to read book to clear my test . its crucial for me but still i cannot focus for long . my questions relating to this are ? it because book reading is boring ? if yes then how can i change it ?
2. How can i increase my concentration ?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • yeggman

    Books are for burning

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  • imadragon

    Listen to calm music without lyrics, binaural beats or classical music.

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  • pixie_dust

    I remembet this used to happen to me in high school too. it was bcuz I wad reading not bcuz I wanted to but I was being forced to bcuz it was an assignment. it sux I know.

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  • OrchidMantis

    Maybe you're reading it wrong. Try to turn your mind into a movie theatre. Picture everything that you read, create voices for each character. Try to get sucked in. Ask questions about what's going to happen next.

    Of course, the book might just be really boring. It's best to try to stick it out, in that case. Meditation can increase concentration over a longer period of time, but it probably wouldn't help much right now.

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  • evilcarrotman

    If you can't concentrate when reading something that you need/want to, take a look at other things in your life. Where does your mind go when you try to read. It is most likely because there is some other need or desire. Try centering yourself before you read. If you feel anxious, it's probably not going to happen.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    It happens to me too. And I don't have ADD. They say if you start reading books before the age of 12, then you will be a good reader. However, if you haven't been reading books before, then you won't find interest in books.

    I really can't read books at all. I read off of wikipedia, like a lot, but not books.

    Always have a pen or a highlighter in hand. This will require more time, but you will definitely benefit. With the pen or pencil, write annotations on the sides, if you don't know what a word means, write "wat the fuck does that mean?" these annotations are for you to communicate with yourself. If you read something you think is important, write that in the margins.

    Hope this helps!

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  • nerd1234

    I believe the reason you are having trouble focusing is because you are not interested in the subject you are reading about. If you are reading about something in Social Studies you aren't intrigued by, than you are not going to be able to focus. If you feel like you drifting off, go back and re-read the paragraph and make sure you comprehend the reading before moving on. (This is what I do). If not school related, find books you are interested in. If you like true stories, you could read stories like "A Child Called It", or if you like fantasy, a good book to read would be "Harry Potter". Once you find books you like to read and you can focus on, find books from the same author and keep hunting for more. :)

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  • SwimBikeRun

    If its something that you must read to study for a test try doing some writing after short sections. Take notes. Make flashcards. Draw diagrams. Not only will it help you be a more active learner, you can also use what you wrote as a study tool later on. You can also try reading it out loud to yourself or reading it into a recorder. You can then play it back for review. Also if its difficult subject matter it migjt help to read it and discuss it with a friend or teacher. Its hard to want to read something that is difficult to understand. Good luck. Its worth the effort!

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  • Chillpill

    do you get stuck on difficult sections? If so, I would recommend skipping them for the time being and reading on; then go back to that section later. It might make more sense once you've gained a better understanding of your reading matter.

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  • gloomydust

    Probably cause you're distracted when people are around? That happens to me

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  • bubber

    Books are my LIFE.
    Maybe you have ADD?

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  • deb

    Its probably because the book is boring. That happens to me to so I go some where quiet and comfortable so I can concentrate better.

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