Is it normal that i cant play guitar anymore?

about 5 months back my bestfriend got hit by a car in spain where he had moved 6 months before the accident. he was the best friend anyone could want and he died on the operating table while doctors tried to save him. he taught me how to play guitar and i used to play his favourite songs in rememberence. then i met my girlfriend samantha but she was diagnosed with cancer. i held her hand when she passed. now whenever i try and play guitar i remember matthew teaching me and me playing to sam in the hospital and i break down and cry. ive given up but the pain is still there.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • randomjelly

    I'm so sorry've had a rough time. I hope you begin healing soon...don't give up hope. Your gift will be waiting on you.

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    • DukeZ

      Something good will come

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  • randomjelly, makes another good moment.
    NOW my turn :)
    Make a song with all your pain in it, and make it on guitar. HArd as Hell? yes. But it may help you. And if you ever play it onstage, (I did this 1 time on a talent show), close your eyes and get those memories there, because it could really help you. I know you won't even try anything I said, but at least I tried :\

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  • Westone

    Well...Im sure they wouldnt want you to stop. remember the positive things...the life they had with you. should give you reason to keep playing.

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  • DukeZ

    I feel sorry for you I agree with randomjelly just wait my friend something good I hope will come to you.

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  • well I think it's normal but if your really love music and you know that your best friend who taught you guitar would really want you to play. I think what you should do is try picturing guitar of getting rid of the pain instead of remembering the pain. My dad had a similar situation. My uncle taught him guitar and he died. My dad couldn't play it for 2 years. One day he changed his mindset to the guitar getting rid of the pain. Hope this helps :)

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  • j.50300501

    The creator works in ways that seem strange to us but they are for the best in the end. Cry out to him for help and strength and he will help you. If you call on his name you will be helped but not necessarily in the way or time that you think. I know someone in exactly your situation and infact i was close to the person and they have written a amazing but sad song but they say that with out the help of the One over all they would never have made it. When someone is taken from so close to us it is the Lord speaking to you but he will bring you compfort and strength if you ask for it.

    It will help if you do i guarantee.

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  • peelover

    that pain is what the BLUES is all about. artists suffer for their music and thats where its at. take your time and dont rule anything out

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  • Andramelach

    It sounds like unconsciously you associate playing with pain. This can't be helped with what you've been through and for that I am very sorry.

    If your up to it, try a few thing to loosen up and "learn" to play again. Only if your willing to of course.

    These are all very personal things that will try to get you closer to the act of playing and the instruments that you use. Silence at these points would help since it will bring you closer to the feeling of playing if you hear everythings clearly and crisply.

    Re-aquaint yourself with your instrument. If you keep it in a case try sitting down with it on your lap and slowly remove it from the case. Run your hands over the instrument, listening to the sounds it makes as your hands run over it. Don't try to play it at this point, in do time.

    Run your hands down the neck, and feel the finish. Touch the frets and hear the whine of the strings as you graze them with your fingers. At this point you'll probably being remembering alot of things, all of which are normal and you can stop at any time.

    Teach yourself the feel and soul of your instrument. If it helps, name it to reconnect with the act of playing. Hope all is well.

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  • benjiebob98

    thanks for the advice everyone. i really apreciate it but i think i will wait for the pain to ease a bit before i try to play again :)

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  • Mastersash

    they gave u a gift to remember them by before they left. time heals all wounds, and like any hardship we face in life: it only makes us stronger! good luck, buddy. :)

    *i'm so sorry for your loss

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  • coment*

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  • dogsdieinhotcars

    Don't try and play the guitar then - problem solved :)

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    • DukeZ

      That's just cold

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