Is it normal that i casually manipulate people?

I don't think I have some sort of personality disorder or anything, but it's been brought to my attention a few times that I have a tendency to manipulate people in a casual way. I use emotional manipulation mostly for attention. I feel starved for attention at home.

I don't get my jollies from trying to control people. In fact, I hate both the idea of controlling someone and being controlled by someone.

The kind of manipulation that I'm wondering about can only really be described by example. Take for instance the other day; I got sick of my brother leaving his dirty clothes all over the bathroom floor, but instead of just nagging him about it like our mother would, I manipulated him into changing his behaviour, not quite unlike the reverse psychology used on kids. If I confronted him, it would only start a blame game. He'd deny it, and we'd argue.

So instead, I picked up his clothes, put them in the hamper, called him to the bathroom and congratulated him on putting his clothes in the hamper for once. I told him, "I'm so glad that you're putting your clothes away now. It's so annoying when people leave them lying around. You're like the only one who's considerate enough in this house to think of those things. Thanks."

Suffice it to say, he's not left his dirty clothes around since. Why would he? If he did, he'd know he was letting me down and disappointing me. Why forgo the undeserved good reputation he had? After all, it's just picking up clothes (:

I do these types of things because they have an extremely high success rate, at least with my family and friends. But what I want to know is if this is psycho behaviour. Does this mean there's something wrong with me, or does everybody do this? So, people, is it normal?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 77 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I read your story and tried said manipulation on a hot, blonde stranger on the bus.

    Needless to say, she sucked my cock.
    You have changed my life, sir.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      mebbe they done sucked yalls pecker but did they go pickin up that all laundry after?

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      • Who picks up your dirty laundry?

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


          but i wear nothin but animal pelts

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          • You forgot the accent, it's not the same without it.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              what yall gittin at boy?

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  • MissDethstar

    Go ahead if it works with them but If I were him I would've noticed you were the one putting my clothes in the hamper and then I'd probably think you're quite weird. I don't know if it's normal but always keep in mind that people will notice, unless the judgement doesn't bother you.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    It's called positive reinforcement. Catch someone doing something good, praise them, and they're more likely to do it again. It's pretty normal.

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    • Quite like training a dog XD

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  • green_boogers

    You are completely normal. In fact, you are a good manager.

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    • That's a very positive way to look at it.

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  • Short4Words

    If no one gets hurt I don't see the harm in it. I would keep it casual though.

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  • RamRam

    theres nothing wrong with you, what i think is you brain is got different quantities of matter. now there are 2 types of matter; grey and white. white matter is used to quick decisions and people who have an abundance usually find it easy to see how people tick. grey matter is slower but more calculating and is better at say tactics or thinking far into the future, like in chess. i would imagine you have more white matter than grey where i am quite the opposite. but that's just a theory, a brain theory!

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