Is it normal that i compulsively throw objects?

I have this thing about throwing random objects at people. When I was in school, I always felt the urge to throw things across the room. I coped by subtly throwing my pencils at my desk. I think that my friends think I'm doing it to be funny, but I don't even think about it until after I've thrown my bag at one of their faces. Normal?

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 69 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • lilrebel80

    OCD. get help, or go on some meds, that compulsion can be dangerous.

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  • UsernameNotAvailable

    Are you the one who got my older brother in trouble for throwing blocks at students in Pre-school.

    Jk. It could be OCD.

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  • Shackleford96

    I am curious, do you always hit your target?

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    • If my target isn't alive, then I usually hit it, haha.
      If it's one of my (few :P ) friends, they've learned to expect me to throw things at them, so they've gotten better at dodging my throws. I feel like they think I'm doing it to be funny, but it's not like that!

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      • Shackleford96

        The reason why I ask is because I have noticed that when I throw something on impulse when I'm angry and without thinking about it, I usually always hit my target. If I throw something regularly, without impulse, I am only average at my aiming.

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        • Ohhhh. Well, I'm generally not particularly angry when I feel the need to throw things; the feeling is just always there.

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  • Have you ever tried to get it under control? Sounds like a habit, like biting one's nails or smoking cigarrettes.

    It's normal to have small compulsions, but when you let it get out of control, so that it interferes with your daily life, then you'd have a problem. Why wait until then? Take control and distract yourself with a non-throwing activity until the feeling passes. You won't catch yourself every time, but you'll start noticing it more often and that's when you can do something about it. Good luck.

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