Is it normal that i count mostly every step i take?

I guess it is a habit because i don't realize i am counting until i get to a door way. Whenever i start counting i have to start counting with my right foot and whenever i stop walking or walk into a door it has to be an even number of steps and if it is not i have to go back 8 steps and then go forward. I know the whole door thing probably isn't normal but does anyone else count every step they take?

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38% Normal
Based on 29 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Every thread you create
    Every step you take
    Every move you make

    I'll be counting you.

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  • 4392Moron

    You are perfectly NORMAL. I do the same thing. Started it when I was a kid, by my dad, because he thought this would be a really easy way for me to learn my countings, and I guess I have kept it up because of memories of my dad; {now dead}; teaching me my countings.

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  • cosmic182

    Yeah I do the same thing, I usually count in fours though, and need to take four steps between lines/cracks on the footpath. I also move my fingers in time with the steps I take while I count

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  • I think you should call The Police.

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  • This is definatley OCD. Don't worry about it unless its causing trouble. But try to stop counting, it's good to just walk and observe your surroundings and think without counting.

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  • OCD?


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  • ninjakrunk

    It's definitely an OCD thing but far from a severe case of OCD. I recently saw a psychiatrist about my OCD because I was having some compulsions that were getting me in trouble, best left unspoken what they were, but he went into great detail about OCD and all the little quirks and habits people with OCD have. Don't worry about it man, sounds like you have some pretty mild tendencies so no harm no foul. Just so you are aware, more than 60% of the population has a few mild OCD tendencies and don't realize it's OCD at all. You are very normal.

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    • Anonypoo

      I don't know how many times a saw the word OCD in that paragraph...

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  • Zombiegirl

    I used to suffer from really bad OCD. This sounds exactly like a bad case of OCD. if you feel like you can't stop counting or its bothering you the only way to get rid of it is to honestly just stop even if it makes you uncomfortable. If it doesn't bug you then don't worry about it. Hope that makes sense.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    It sounds like a touch of OCD.

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