Is it normal that i cry really easily first thing in the morning?

I don't usually cry too easily, but first thing in the morning I'll turn on like Good Morning America or some morning show or whatever and the simplest things that are hardly sentimental at all make me tear up really easily. Only first thing in the morning. Has anyone experienced this?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Yes, it's always really early in the morning or really late at night when I'm sentimental, or want to kill myself etc. It usually passes.

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  • Yeah it hit me really hard one morning right before going to school like a year ago and I had to hide from my family in another room and tried to calm myself. I have a stressful high school life and on top of that I am a transgender teenager in the closet. :( I just felt this intense wave of saddness come over me. I feel a mild form of this most mornings, but sometimes it gets REALLY bad where I just don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I felt like I was literally crumbling apart and that I had to hold myself together. Yes, it was that bad. Thankfully I got a hold of myself. Some days I just want to infold on myself or hop on a train and just get out of here. I think about that a lot. I'm pretty sure feeling this way in the morning is common in depressed and even suicidal people.

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  • lisac1919

    sometimes depression or anxiety is the worst first thing in the morning. i have anxiety and it can be pretty bad first thing in the morning. maybe you have one of those

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