Is it normal that i deny a lot of things to myself
Every time I "like" something..I get defensive and I deny I "like" said thing over and over even though I'm not sure what I feel about it. It's possible it could be I'm influence by society and everything and everyone around me
An example : there's this guy a year older than me, he is kinda flirty and very sweet and kind but we only talk over fb and I am telling myself I don't like him because i don't wanna be that girl that falls in "love" with a guy by not even actually talking to him. But I deny it and deny it even though I never really believe myself.
Another is that I used to talk to this guy face to face at school before he told me he liked me..I've always been awkward once I find out someone likes me..its just been a problem so i never date :$ and he still likes me And I talk to him over text but..I also think to myself..would I ever like him? Can I ever like him? Do I like him? And I deny it to myself. Even though I personally dont know the answer myself..yet I think I might..
It happens with it of things.. But
is it normal to deny my liking or possible liking for things?
Thanks :)