Is it normal that i despise smokers?

I absolutely despise smokers to the umpteenth degree. I hate most things about them. I do not respect smokers. I know they started smoking because of peer pressure, which is not good. They are obviously insecure. I hate the fact that they use street as ashtray when they drive. They are filthy and cause fire hazards. They also do not care if kids are around, they just continue their disgusting habit. It also makes my day when a new smoking ban or tax is enacted . Am I the only one that feels this way?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 150 votes (106 yes)
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Comments ( 88 )
  • loviex102

    My entire family smokes and I hate it SO MUCH. You're normal.

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  • A-perfect-circle

    Fucking smokers piss me off why would you spend money on cigs when you can spend it on pot, which isn't addictive and actually gets you high.

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    • RebuiltByHumans

      Fucking hypocrite.

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  • tygeronherbed

    Magicpears in right. its one thing to not like cigarettes or smoking, but its pretty harsh to say you despise a pretty big percentage of the worlds population just because we happen to have a habit you think is weird. what if i said I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO BITE THEIR NAILS, or I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO DONT DO THEIR LAUNDRY ONCE A WEEK OR MORE! its silly, and it makes you sound ignorant.

    well, as a smoker. i have to say first of all i didnt start because of peer pressure, i started because i have anxiety attacks sometimes and smoking helps me relax. now im addicted, i can admit it, and im planning to quit in a few years maybe, but honestly i like smoking. its bad for you, i know, but its nice to be able to step outside a stuffy room or take a homework break and just have a moment for myself to sit and think and smoke.

    and BTW as a personal rule i never smoke near or around children.

    why is what other people do your business anyway? no ones forcing you to smoke, and smoking is banned basically everywhere so its not like you have to sit in a smokey movie theater or bar.

    grow up.

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    • Yeah, I tend to agree with the author. Smokers in general are selfish bastards who think of nothing but themselves and what is best for themselves, now.

      In my opinion, the average smoker is so selfish that they take away from even their own future to have more fun today. I am sure that cigarette will taste just as good when you are sporting a stoma. However, I am glad that Oregon passed the laws that prohibit smoking in businesses as well as smoking within ten feet of any entrance.

      Now I can laugh when the average smoker smokes in the rain. Also, yes I can laugh as these morons actually PICKED this habit and it isn't an illness brought on by genetics or an unknown cause. These people are stupid enough to start up so please enjoy the rain at 41 degrees outside.

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      • waitforwinter

        "Smokers in general are selfish bastards who think of nothing but themselves and what is best for themselves..."

        First of all, fuck you. If your so sure about that, take this into consideration: If smokers only did what is best for themselves, then why the hell would they be smoking in the first place? Even smokers know that it's unhealthy for them. Next time you'd like to make an accusation, be sure to get your facts straight first.

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        • I may have misread your comment and I don't have time to fight with yet another person so I will just leave it as that. It seems to me that you answered your own question though and the sad thing is that your mentality is considered normal and not mine.

          Eh, this site is offbased and far from the working class norm. I showed my coworker it and she bashed me for even spending time commenting back with the 'tards that roam here.

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          • simba1

            So you upset someone else huh, Bud?

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        How do you know the reason they smoke is they are insecure? I am not defending smoking but how would you know that? That is like yelling at crippled people for being in a wheel chair since apparently they stopped being able to walk just to bother the rest of us.

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      • Oh god - look who you have on the side of picking on some issue just because it allows you to be ugly for the sake of being ugly & stupid - Bud - the biggest hypocrite on this site.

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        • Urg, long day at work so I will keep this short. Get off your ass and work to accomplish something, maybe you would spend less time bitching at others.

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          • simba1

            just to clarify, what does urg mean?

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          • simba1

            Budthewise is a fine one to talk!!!

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    • kk777

      "im planning to quit in a few years maybe" Thats what they all say XD

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    • chunkybongo

      You're planning to quit in a few YEARS or so?? You will be smoking cigarettes for the rest of your life!

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      • I second that. She has been in a childish argument on some of my stories and I have caught that "T" skank in a few lies already. However, she is very bad at admitting fault to anything so I doubt you will get through her fat nose to reach her brain.

        To her, everything is easy and her life is perfect. She thinks she can do and fix everything and she is too stupid to realise she can't. I have been fighting with her for a while now and I can't get through to her so good luck on that one though.

        Secondly, I bet she will smoke the rest of her life as well and I highly doubt she started for any other reason than she thought it was cool with her friends. Nobody starts smoking over stress for the first time that I ever heard of.

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      • tygeronherbed

        who says?

        you quit after 6 years, I could quit after four....

        i just don't want to yet, is that so hard to believe?

        i like smoking.

        so what?

        i like smoking weed too.
        and drinking alcohol.

        Im young, and honestly i don't really care. its not abnormal, and maybe ill regret it later but for now im fine with the decisions i make.

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        • chunkybongo

          Yeah, I was pretty much just like you more or less. I was never really totally complacent in my smoking except when I had this great girlfriend for a couple of years and we both chain-smoked, drank, and did it like rabbits together. The rest of the time I felt like it was controlling me and not the other way around. Drinking can turn into alcoholism, and weed can fry your brain pretty fast too, and once it's gone you can't get it back. But nobody who's young and parties and likes doing that shit all the time is going to quit. I sure didn't. It's just not a free ticket; remember that.

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          • tygeronherbed

            thanks for the advice, but i really do think i have this under control. my step dads a druggy/ alcoholic. watching him while i was growing up def taught me the gravity of the decisions i make, and as long as im still in school and doing well i dont see anything wrong with my behavior. thanks for your concern tho, and yeah, it does make me feel less guilty having a boy friend to chain smoke and drink with. haha

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        • Of course, you have been nothing but a selfish brat and I doubt you could make the effort to fix yourself on anything. It will truly be a sad day when somebody won't pamper and pay your way any further and you are stuck taking care of your problems on your own.

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          • Oh leave her alone -and knock off the "skank" woman insults Bud, you misogynistic moron. Haven't you made enough trouble, like the girl you knocked up & have an unplanned and unprepared for pregnancy with?

            You should have taken up smoking instead.

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            • You should take your own damn advice and leave various people alone. The argument between her and I is over. I called her a liar and she did not back her own claims up. I have long since stopped talking about her until just now when you bring it up...again.

              Try following your own advice though, leave me the hell alone.

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    • loviex102

      @ tygeronherbed: nail biting isn't dangerous and harmful to the environment;smoking kills. Big difference. How about you go get yourself an education? It seems like you're lacking a bit..

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      • tygeronherbed

        Im in college right now actually....Ivy league....

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        • I think you are mistaken, Ivy League IS NOT a community college.

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          • tygeronherbed

            sarah lawrence is not a community college.....

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          • Jen118584

            What college did you go to Bud?

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            • Oh and Jen - since Bud erased comments on HIS posts and made all sorts of lurid insinuations about us. And then alleged that I am a wife abuser! Well, to set things straight - having been smeared - that is total nonsense, and all i have is respect and appreciation for what you have to say.

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    • You stated...

      "why is what other people do your business anyway?"

      It never stopped you from butting your skanky, fat nose into other peoples business, so why the hell should anyone listen to you now?

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      • tygeronherbed

        because buddy boy, you deserved it. this person is making a rash and unfair generalization that is uneducated and simply wrong, kinda like most of the things you post.

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        • I'm tired and I have to work tomorrow but to break my point down to a few sentences, here is the following.

          1. They beat it in your head in school how bad smoking is with all of the health problems it will cause.
          2. There are laws in place that prevent children from buying cigarettes. I know this does nothing but the government goes greatly out of their way to try to prevent people from starting.
          3. Smoking is taxed heavily, you are just throwing quite a bit of money away toward needless taxes.
          4. Laws are in place to prevent fuckholes such as yourself from inconviencing people who perfer to have good health.
          This is all a moot point though. You can not even write a complete thought without an extreme difficulty so common sense odviously illudes you. I would like to say thank you for your tax dollars though, it is because of 'tards like yourself that help make sure we keep our national needs such as road construction and hopefully health care soon.

          Either way, it is a moot point. You will continue to butt your fat nose into a situation that does not concern you. Just keep on smoking and being selfish though, I bet your parents will be quite happy with you.

          Enjoy the cancer though.

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          • tygeronherbed

            thanks for listing a bunch of common knowledge facts and spewing third grade insults.

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            • simba1

              Budthewise is known for this trait!!!

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            • Really, it was kind of odvious to me but since you have a valid memory of that time and all the lessons against smoking, it begs to ask why do you do it. It doesn't matter much, you have spent quite some time busting my ass so I figured I would slam you on the one fault you admit to. I am sure you have many more with your constant stream of pipedreams you have listed with your attitude of being better because of X (Insert crap here).

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        • What? I deserve it? Are you retarded?

          I am actually dumbfounded and I don't have time to waste on an inconsiderate skank such as yourself.
          Also, I respect the other dudes opinion about smoking women but personally, it is a huge turn-off for me.

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  • carkeyzz

    You people, are taking this far too seriously. First off, I agree, and I think smoking is just stupid in every way possible. Period.

    Notice how she asked "is it normal?" and not "will you please bash me and call me a skank because i don't like smoking?". The answer is no, so shut up, will you?

    Frankly, I don't like it either. And in the century we live in, there are a lot of ways to judge a person- so don't pretend that that's not true. So don't say that it's bad to wonder about a person who smokes, when everybody judges people about silly things such as race and clothing so much on a daily basis.

    So yeah, it's pretty much normal. Is it fair? Maybe not, but i do it, too. Thanks.

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    I do not smoke, and I have and never will smoke. What I do not understand about smokers is this. Say they are going out for the evening, they have a shower, put their nice clothes on, and they do their hair, and brush their teeth. Then they have a cigarette, and so they may as well have not bothered getting a shower, and brushing their teeth, and putting on nice clothes, because they now stink.

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  • Isolated

    Normal. "I hate..." comments lead to an arguement for two groups to agree or disagree with.

    I wouldn't say I'm with any side but I think smoking is okay for people who NEED it rather than WANT it for unnecessary use.

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  • tygeronherbed

    also, go fuck yourself :)

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  • tygeronherbed

    1) slc still isn't a community college, and it is more exclusive than a lot of those schools you listed. not that it's your business but i was accepted to 2 of those schools and chose sarah lawrence because it's an art based school, and thats what im interested in.

    2) every single person I know drinks and smokes, and calling me out on it like its a terrible thing just shows how old and uncool you are. peer pressure or not, i do what i do, and im not doing it alone....
    And i dont do these things to "escape" in college, we call it SOCIALIZING.
    I'd rather be sitting in my dorm passing around a spliff with my friends, listening to music and talking about art and philosophy than sitting home alone with my fat pregnant gf, glued to my computer screen like you do 24 -7.

    3) grow up, dont you have more important things to obsess about?

    4) I feel sad for you.


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    • I am glad you are leaving me alone as I truly do not want to continue with this mess that you started. I still have to deal with your followers from time to time.


      The people I associate are both clean and hard working. I have known your type as I grew up around them and then I improved myself so I would not turn into the very thing I didn't like.

      The people you know all do that and you still give too much of a shit about being "cool." That just explains enough right there. In my life, the girl I ran into recently once told me years back that she didn't know a clean person, like you said, and that is why she does this or that. The sad thing is after several years, I look far younger than her and even knowing she was cool, I don't think she kept it up.

      Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for my state job interview with the "Oregon Department of Revenue" and to the best of luck to everyone, including yourself.
      I got to where I am sober, it makes life harder but more enjoyable after the hard times.

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  • tygeronherbed

    oh and fyi mister smart ass, what i choose to do to my body is my business, and while you are entitled to an opinion, ruthless name calling and snap judgments aren't very much appreciated so keep them to yourself.

    seriously, get a livejournal or something and stop venting here. its annoying.... and kinda depressing.... listening to you talk is saddening to me, i guess youre just so pathetic and ignorant all i can do now is pity you.....

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  • tygeronherbed

    once again, you mushy little worm, I have to remind you that a) you know nothing about me ... b) just because my confidence and self assurance is scary to you because I'm a young woman does not give you an excuse to be so hateful and vile. c) we are not in high school, don't be jealous just because I'm pretty and people like me better than you. d) my childhood was not as pampered as you seem to think, and everything i have i earned.

    grow the fuck up.

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    • I really don't want to argue tonight and expectually with a fat nosed liar like yourself but let me state the following.

      1. Ivy League schools are of the following:
      Harvard University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Columbia University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, and finally Cornell University. Sarah Lawrence is not an Ivy League college or even a major university for that matter as it does not offer a major degree of any kind according to its website, found here

      2. You have admitted to not only smoking cigarettes with whatever bullshit reason you "claim" for starting but also claim to drink alcohol as well as smoke marajuana. I suppose peer pressure wasn't the reason on starting these either?

      3. I have caught you in several lies and when called you out on them you claim I deleted this or that instead of offering proof on anything.

      4. You feel sad for me? I'm not wasting my life with one dumb choice after another and then vent my crap onto others. Remember fat nose, you started this crap first.

      I have more but this isn't my story though so I will end it here. I guess it is normal to smoke as well as any other unhealthy crap but that does not mean I have to suffer for your stupid decisions. If you smoke, don't do it indoors at work. If you drink, don't drive or drink around your children. And lastly, if you are going to abuse your body, it is your choice as well as it is my choice for mocking you for doing so.

      Also, since when is it wrong to live a clean life? A world where I can admit to going to a community college instead of lying about saying that I'm going to an Ivy League university or admitting to making a stupid mistake over peer pressure instead of lying about that one too. Just be honest, if a person wants to smoke, that is fine but don't do it around those of us who don't need "excapes" such as drinking or other drugs to live and enjoy life.

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  • chunkybongo

    I smoked for about 6 years because of peer pressure (at first, but then I was addicted). Pretty disgusting habit. Now when I'm hanging around a bar and seeing all the smokers (mostly young people), I know exactly what they are going through (the constant urge nicotine gives the smoker to light up another one). If you want to quit, just bite your lip and stop COLD TURKEY. As far as smokers being evil and all that, I don't agree. It does piss me off something awful when I come home from a bar or club and all my new clothes smell like fucking cigarette smoke. I think smokers who like smoking and don't plan to quit are idiots. Eventually most of them will get lung cancer and die in their 40s-50s.

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    • tampabayallstar

      They are young INSECURE folks. People are freaking idiots to start smoking period. On my way home from work, I saw a kid that looked about 11. What a dumb , insecure, redneck idiot. That kid has already compromised his financial situation and most importantly his health for life, because he wants to be 'cool'. Personally, he looked like a freaking moron.

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  • violet3

    Erm how on earth did you people change subject from 'smoking' to a community college? (•ิ.•ั)
    ...anyways, I personally don't smoke and its obvious that its bad for your health, but I wouldn't say that people should despise smokers... if they like to smoke then so be it that's their problem, they know that there are consequences.
    The government and the media have been influencng the public to stop smoking and I do believe that their strategies are working,however, I don't believe smoking will ever stop for good.
    It's a habit which has been round for centuries and its only up to the people themselves to do something about it.

    That's just my opinion =]

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  • Santiago_Dunbar

    I like how bud the unwise stated he wasn't gonna waste time on a skank....yet he continues to waste time with the skank....
    ass hole

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    • tygeronherbed

      thanks for referring to me as "the skank"

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      • Great, bash me without contributing anywhere else as well. Back to the "skank" comment

        If the glass condom fits...

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        • "Bash you" Bud? You aren't getting a quarter of what you deserve for your racist and sexist comments, and your ridiculous posturing of having knowledge and intelligence to lord over others. You are the most absurd person.

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      • Yeah - thats out of line.

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  • waitforwinter

    I fully agree with magicpears. I am a smoker myself. If you hate smoking so much, don't stand around people while they smoke. But, seriously, to "despise" a person just because they smoke is about the same as hating someone because they drive a gas-gussler. Stupid reason.

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  • I think you are a raging loon who has picked a topic most people are sympathetic too to simply vent your ugly judgmental spleen on.

    You could give a rats ass about smoking as a public health issue. Hypocrite.

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  • tampabayallstar

    I am going to explain. Smokers do nothing to endear themselves to the nonsmoking public. They throw lit butts all around. Drive at high speeds smoking out of auto windows and thus their flammable product is out that window as well. They smoke in front of their own kids and even subject their kids to that crap. I am sure there are rare cases of smokers that do partake in their habit , responsibly, but they are few and far between.

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    • bambi

      So its only the smokers who drive at high speeds is it? You really need a good wake up call to label smokers as the only ppl who speed while driving well i guess ur just finding another thing to blame them for.Smoking is a personal decision so everyone should mind there own business and find somthing better to do with there time than whinge and bitch about smoking when there are alot worse things going on. Well might go for a drive and have a smoke while driving way over the speed limit because thats what all smokers do pffft get a life!

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  • SeanL

    don't smoke cigarettes ..... SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • waitforwinter

      Haha! Will both work? :D

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    • hotchickie81

      Right on, man! I agree with you :)

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  • BigRedOne

    Nobody likes them dude.

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  • casualcrow

    I smoke and i fucking love it.
    Guess what, there are millions more like me and millions more to come, so instead of being a bitch, take a percocet and calm the fuck down.

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  • mardybum

    when done correctly, smoking can be sexy

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    • tygeronherbed

      i smoke sexy :)

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  • It is normal for non-smokers to not appreciate the habit of smoking. I'm a non-smoker and I think cigarettes are disgusting.

    Your description of your problem with smokers is unnecessarily dramatic and a big red flag that you have issues with controlling your anger. I'm sure that your lack of empathy for smokers stems from your lack of maturity, you seem quite young.

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  • magicpears

    I understand not liking cigarettes, but wow, you're really judgemental.

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  • anonymousgirlygirl

    I think it is normal because i feel the same way, but i just remember that they can't help it. They are addicted and they need help.

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