Is it normal that i despise women?

Is it normal that I can't stand women? I try to act like a rational person and use logic in all of my communication. Like yesterday for example I seen a women asking her boyfriend to buy her shoes and when he said no she pouted until he bought them for her. It made me not be able to stand her. I like logical thought and answers so please prove me wrong or don't bother answering.

Is it normal? That I hate women but try to pretend I don't and that I am a rational and logical thinker ?

Voting Results
48% Normal
Based on 93 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • dappled

    I don't often answer these any more and when I do, I often do it emotively. Just for the sake of trying it, any answer I give on this post will be purely logical. I'm not going to involve my feelings at all. You mentioned logic in your post so I'm going to trust you'll do the same. I'm not going to make any assertions I can't prove beyond the doubt of any argument (which means there's very little I can say in defence of my position, and I'm just going to have to rely on logic not evidence).

    First off, though, I'm going to allow you to rephrase your question (if you want to) because, purely logically, you can only hate all women if you've experienced them all. If you want to rephrase it as you've despised every one you've met, then logically, that could potentially be true (although isn't true just because you say it is - that's a feeling, not logic, and we're keeping feelings out of this).

    If you don't want to rephrase the question, my first logical answer is that it is impossible for you to hate all women based on the actions of the minority you've met. You can't extrapolate this and can't prove there is not a woman somewhere that you wouldn't hate. The example you gave with the shoes is cultural. People in other countries live in very different ways, as do people in your own country.

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    • Francophile22

      Dappled: while I usually like your logic, I have to take exception in this case.

      If one hates the fact that killer sharks kill, one should be able to equally hate all killer sharks without meeting all killer sharks. QED.

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      • dappled

        I know how fussy this is going to come across as, but I'm going to say it anyway (even if it is genuinely annoying):

        If you hate the fact that killer sharks kill, then I'd accept that you can hate that all killer sharks kill (if all killer sharks killed). But that can't be used to say you hate killer sharks. Only that they kill (as this was the original assertion).

        Another example: I really dislike that women stand in a queue to pay for something and then only when the amount is rung up do they go searching for their purse inside their handbag. Then they stand there putting their change away, while you stand behind them, unable to pay for your item because they're blocking your way. I really dislike that behaviour, but I don't really dislike women. I don't even really dislike women who display that behaviour.

        And yes, I know this is painfully analytical but I did promise I was going to do exactly this in this post. :/

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    • NeuroNeptunian


      Thank you for using actual logic, I love you.

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      • dappled

        I would tell you I love you too but I am bound on this post not to use my feelings. You know that I do, though.

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  • loopoo

    Not all women are like that darling.

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  • westoptic

    How could you hate me? You don't even know me.

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    • Francophile22

      He hates the very concept and existence of womanhood itself.

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      • westoptic

        He had better get the fuck over it because this immature gender hating, done by both sides, is completely fucking retarded and illogical because without women, our species will go extinct. Without men, our species will go extinct. So he needs shut the fuck up and stop hating people because of their gender because that's the god damn stupidest thing I've ever heard. No wonder we have wars and some much stupid shit going on in our society, because people like that exist.

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    • keeping_up_with_da_kids

      I am not the OP but I hate you now for using the statement "You don't even know me".

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      • westoptic

        Why? It's a true statement towards someone who has never made my acquaintance. What is up with people looking for excuses to hate complete strangers? Jesus.

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        • keeping_up_with_da_kids

          You would need to know me to understand why I hate you.

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  • squeeeshie

    I hate women too.

    Except me...because I'm awesome xD

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    You seen a woman asking her boyfriend to buy her shoes?
    I guess your wonderful rationale and logic does not include grammar or proof-reading skills.

    Anyway, as Dappled said, it is logically impossible to hate all women based off of your limited experience. It is a logical fallacy. You can say that you hate all women that you have met, but to say that you hate all women period, based off of your limited experience and judgments assumed from such is illogical.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Me too. I always say, if I were a lesbian, I'd be single for life because I'd never be able to put up with a woman. I've always had more male companions growing up because females were always so dramatic, complicated and difficult to talk to. Not all women are like that, so don't get me wrong. I do have female friends (and they do not fit under the typical female catagory)but a lot of women are a bit messy, overly dramatic, to damn concerned about their looks or some guy who wants to have nothing to do with them, then and they do stupid things which, in turn, makes the rest of us women (who have a sense of integrity about ourselves) look bad. So I'm kind of with you on this.

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  • americanhoney

    You wouldn't hate me, I'm fabulous.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Totally normal dude. Women are complete emotional freaks they never use logic the run only on emotion.

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  • alextsang08

    It so sad, most of the women if this generation are whinny little bitches, and most of the good ones are all taken.

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  • xoxochick

    Why do you hate me?

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  • pambambam

    you obviously never been in love.

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  • Mando

    Saying All women are a certain way is not logical. Nor is there anything rational about hating all. Nor is it logical/rational to be upset about a girl pleading with her bf to buy shoes. I mean WTF does that have to do with anything?

    You don't sound at all rational or logical. I'm sorry if your mommy treated you badly - or something like that in the past - so that you now find fault and anger at every other woman. But get help. Don't hide behind being "logical/rational" because you demonstrate neither.

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  • throat_cutter

    why did you capitalize Women?

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  • Silentnight

    I don't find it normal. Only because its not fair that you judge those stupid women on ALL women. I believe that a guy can spoil his gf, and a girl can spoil her bf. They can both do it either way but there should be some kind of balance and no expectations.

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  • Sexy.

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  • Not going to lie, even though I have started to dislike women as a whole (still bordering on it), I think that this example is not a so great one. If this is the reason alone for you disliking women, then I don't share these reasons with you.

    Surely anyone would be upset if they didn't get what they want, and it does sound rather child-like how she reacted, but I wouldn't say it's enough to "hate" them on this situation alone.

    Unless there are other reasons for this, I am going to have to say that if this is the only reason for your opinion on women, and this is what started you disliking women, then I don't share the same reasons.

    I do think women are more selfish when it comes to material things than men, but I won't get in to that.

    Are there any other reasons for you disliking women, or is this the only reason?

    Believe me, I am open to rational discussion on this if you want one. I am known on here for this type of topic.

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  • howaminotmyself

    What a weird situation. I don't think I have ever seen someone other than a child behave that way in public. You do know that most women don't do this.

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  • Its very narrow minded to judge women based on this experience or any other similar experiences to this one. As there can be literally millions of scenarios just like this.

    With that being said I can totally and completely understand the OP's disgust at witnessing something like this. I would feel the same way. I would even entertain the thought of mentioning something to the guy about how embarrassingly whipped he is.

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