Is it normal that i developed social anxiety after my mom died?

My mom passed away when I was 16 and ever since then I developed some weird phobia of people? For example if im walking down the street and someone is walking towards me I feel awkard when we look at each other an I instantly become nervous and on edge and HAVE to look away. Another thing is that I feel VERY awkard when me and someone else look each other in the eyes like when we're talking. IS THIS NORMAL ? ANYBODY out there like this??

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83% Normal
Based on 36 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tommythecat.

    I'm sorry to hear that.

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  • Shiroyasha

    You are not giving enough information. This also seems to be a serious issue, so you should try to work it out with a professional.

    The only possibility I can think of is that maybe, after your mother passed away, you lost an important "protective" figure. So maybe that's why you feel immediately uneasy around people, because you subconsciously think that they might harm you and that there is no one to protect you.

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    • RoseIsabella

      You make an excellent point! For most people a mother is the first authority figure and protector; for the infant she is omnipotent and godlike.

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  • college

    I had social anxiety before my bro died, but it got way worse afterwards. Everyone grieves in their own way, perhaps you and I just withdrew.

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  • TheMightyOz

    Maybe you could adopt a new Mom in your mind. Do you have an aunt or older sister?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I briefly developed a habit of stammering and stuttering after my grandmother passed away.

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  • ThisIsImpossible


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    • RoseIsabella

      What about them?

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      • ThisIsImpossible

        The afterglow of a good trip completely destroys all your feelings of anxiety and insecurity.

        It can last anywhere from 12 hours to three days, you feel good, you look good, you know who you are and you arent afraid of being who you are. Its the most freeing happy feeling I ever felt, and I take something away from it every time.

        I have lots of problems with depression and social anxiety, so for those feelings to just drift off for a while after carrying them around for years, it's a huge weight off your shoulders, and it gives you a chance to understand how to let go of the things that dont matter.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I tried LSD twice when I was 21. I have some curiosity about mushrooms but I never had the chance to do it with someone I felt I could trust.

          This might sound corny to some people but sometimes when I smoke reefer I feel more connected to the universe and closer to God.

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          • ThisIsImpossible

            If you enjoyed lsd youd have a good time with the shroom, theyre similar in a lot of ways. The body high is much stronger on mushrooms, but the visuals are more fleeting. And your emotions are much stronger on the shroom.

            Corny? Man there's entire religions that believe smoking weed is meant for the spirit, and burn it up in the name of their god.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Right on!

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