Is it normal that i dislike people that shame my music choice?

for a long time ive kept it pretty public that i love metal and rock music. its been a decently recent thing for me, going on 4 years now i think. i take my music pretty seriously, because of how angry and powerful it is, and it helps me relieve stress (also its just sounds really good). a lot of people i know listen to genres like rap, or hip hip, or mainly, pop music. sometimes when i tell people that i like metal, or when people overhear my music, they probably say something like, "you listen to screamo music?". many other times, people say, "all of your music sucks. its just noise and its too loud and vulgar. pop is so much better". is it normal to dislike people like this, or is it just a matter of opinion? i dont even know what the definition of an opinion is anymore, and i dont want music to be something i fight with someone over, so i need a lil help.

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89% Normal
Based on 19 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Boojum

    Music, food and religion - you're free to listen to, eat and believe whatever the hell you want, just as long as you don't try to make me listen to, eat or believe it.

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    • lmaowhatdoiknowboutusernames

      listen to people dying, eat babies and worship satan, yes, you do you bro

      But on a serious note, I think you should try to put up with these people, there are way too many of them and a lot of people are very ignorant when it comes to music preferences. Idk why and I know it's annoying, that's just how people are I guess, put up with them, or you're gonna end up disliking a third of the people you meet just for that.

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      • kolosus33

        lol half the music i listen to isnt the crazy death metal, and i dont worship satan, but good points otherwise.

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  • PhatBoi10109

    I like hip hop/rap and i do the same thing. When anyone says something like "you like rap? Rap is dumb all it is is saying the same thing over and over" it just pisses me off and i will just make fun of their music then so i say yes. Its normal

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  • RoseIsabella

    Everyone has their favorite music preference. Which music genre is better or best for that matter is a rather subjective thing. I don't care what you listen to as long as you don't try to push it on me.

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  • Track0011

    I also enjoy rock, but not all genres, and if i'm talking with someone that likes any genre i'm not really into, and he pops it up, i will say i dont like it, won't start to roast him or his genre though, unless he gets really annoying.

    But yeah, if its not just saying "Uh, i just dont like X music because its too noisy (or too anything) for me" you're in your right to be annoyed, i had friends that wanted to drag me into genres i would never touch, not even with a stick.

    Everyone has their cup of tea really

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  • SoundlessFOB

    honestly I like most genres of music but for some reason 80% of the stuff I like no one around me knows and my music pisses of my friends and their music pisses me off. I've literally considered changing friends over this which I know is ridiculous I just take music slightly too seriously.

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  • Swordfire

    I hate when people bash my music. But i dont usually let people know what music i like

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  • cats5e

    These people aren't worth your time and energy. It is perfectly normal to dislike people for being close-minded and unaccepting of differences. You're better off spending time around people who don't judge you for your tastes.

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  • Shackleford96

    It's that sort of small-minded ignorance that bothers you about it, isn't it?

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