Is it normal that i do not like to socialize like others?

i am 20 years old and currently studying at a university. i have some friends and i like to socialize with my friends but not the way most people socialize. For example, i do not like to go to parties and sing at high voice,shout,dance etc. I like to pass my time differently than others and for this reason i have a very few friends. Few days ago there was a party and i missed it on purpose. I really wanted to be in the party and have fun with my friends. But the way i want to have fun is different from others. I like to gossip,play and travel.And now, i am felling really bad for missing the party.

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92% Normal
Based on 77 votes (71 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Karmasbitch

    I do not like to socialize like others do either. I prefer just talking about important matters in life, feelings, and occasional jokes. But that's my depressive state.
    When I'm manic, I will do anything and everything.

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  • derenaro

    You shouldn't worry about feeling antisocial. You are probably just and introvert. If you look into introversion you find that many people avoid parties and social settings. As long as you are happy passing time alone, you should accept yourself. Many people have the opposite problem and it is not better because we all end up spending most of our time alone. If your friends love you they won't force you to go out. Good luck.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    So you don't wanna be my fwend?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Oh Gawd, I hate gossip! I've got better things to do than talk shit about people and spread rumors that probably aren't even true.

    Unfortunately I don't get to travel much and could you define what you mean by "play"?

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  • Erik963

    Don't feel fucking bad. I am same as you and do this almost every time. But sometimes I just can't help myself and go check out the party for hour or two. I am not a social person either and I also have few friends but I seriously don't care. Live your life as YOU want. Don't take examples from others and do not compare yourself. You are an individual personality just like everyone.

    People who do things to get attention, or things they are said to do are low mentality blockheads who know nothing about life. Don't mind them.

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  • fuitangui

    I never know what to say when I am out with people I feel like any thing I say I will be laughed at its weird cause I really genuinely don't care what people think of me. Its like there is a struggle about that in my head do I or don't I care.

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  • fuitangui

    When I was in elementary school I had a lot of friends. When I was in jhs I had a bunch too, but in hs and now i only have one friend and I avoid her as much as I can I really don't care either. I don't think that I'm anti social but I like to be alone or be with my husband or my daughter or my family (some of them sometimes) I think I'm afraid of rejection or something I don't want to be in the in crowd now like I was in elementary school and jhs. People tell me I'm anti-social I know I'm not. I'm more comfortable with people I don't know or know me than people I do or my family do know ..any thoughts?

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    I used to be like that before and to be honest it got me nowhere, I used to beat myself up over what to say and when it came to females it was not bad but it was different, I am not that person anymore I can say what I feel like saying and I am open to talk to anyone and I'm dead sure you can too

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  • LemonCheese

    I'm exactly the same as you. I socialise with friends/family/my boyfriend, but other than that, I don't like to socialise. Mainly because I never know what to say/do.

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  • PureLikeSnow

    That's me in a nutshell, excluding the gossip part. I don't like parties either, something is bound to go wrong and it's never an appropriate location for social interaction. The music alone would mitigate a mellow conversation; I can't stand that. Call me dull, but even though I've never experienced the party lifestyle, I've never settled for that and never will. I want to talk about priorities in life, what's accomplished on a day-to-day basis, aspirations, subjects that appeal to you, and so on. Let's just say I want to associate with those who have matured and transcended past those who live in the red, in accordance to spiral dynamics.

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    • 53739

      That was very well stated.

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