Is it normal that i do not want to grow old or see loved ones grow old

I don't want to age or see my parents age. I am especially nervous as to what happens on the other side (not including heven or hell), I've even devoted the last four years of my life solely trying to find a way that the Cullens from Twilight exist so they could change my family and me. Of course that means those years flew by and now I am even more depressed.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • I related to this post until you mentioned the Cullens from Twilight... Twilight is crap.

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  • joybird

    You dye your grey hair!

    You cope when your favourite gran dies :o( by remembering all the good times and the laughs you had.

    Hopefully your parents won't die until you are much older, have your own family to focus on, and you will be expecting it coz of their age. These factors all help you cope.

    I don't know if you've read this on the site but my dad died last year and I was suddenly struck deaf in one ear, they said it's permanent and due to shock. It gave me severe vertigo and balance problems, and I'm in my 40s. If we don't let it out emotionally then our bodies have a way of trying to deal with grief :o(

    I hope none of these happen to you for a very long time but in the meantime there's no point worrying your life away. Enjoy your time with those you love and laugh every day!! xx

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    • icantspellwell

      my moms turning 50 and im turning 19

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      • joybird

        Well the average age for a female to die at is 84 so your mom has a long way to go yet. You should be older than her before she dies - so stop panicking!!!

        You are young and worrying unnecessarily :o)

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  • joybird

    Don't worry you won't notice yourself or people you see regularly growing old. It's such a natural process that it creeps up on us gradually.

    The worst thing that can happen is that you look in the mirror and see your own mother / father looking back - then you get scared!!!

    Trust me, I'm there now - eek!!

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    • icantspellwell

      Thankyou but what do I do when I see my first grey hairs...or my favorite family member dies or i die etc.? Then what I cant live without my parents I love them more than my boyfriend.

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