Is it normal that i do nothing all day everyday?

Im 20 years old and taking a gap year.

but for the past couple of years besides school i would literally do nothing but be in my room on my bed eating watching tv and on the computer.

I have nothing to do, im not close with my family and have no hobbies.

what is it that people do? like what if you have a day off from school or work, what do you do with it? do you walk around your house or stay in your room?

what should i do? my plan is to learn how to drive and get a job but my fear is that i wont be able to maintain doing those things since there is no consequence if i dont do them.

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62% Normal
Based on 189 votes (117 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • ColePhelps

    dude ! for the last year ive had no friends smoked weed everyday and just chilled out playing video games or watching dvds its probably not normally but you're not alone

    ive really been doing this for 3 years but the first two years i had friends so it wasnt as shameful as it is now

    i legit don't know how i'll make friends again im embarrsed about my lifestyle

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    • lisac1919

      thats how i feel now im wondering if it is possible to change. i also used to smoke weed a lot alone and for 2 of the 4 years ive been doing this, i had friends too...but we moved to the US,so theyre gone now :(

      do you go to college? im going to go soon so i hope that will change something, and not continue to be the same except that a couple times a week i have to go to some boring classes :S

      but im guessing youre young too? i always hear 2 sides to this kind of situation. one is from people that say stuff like 'youre still young and the world will open up to you and life is just beginning blabla' then the others who say 'well youre already an adult so however you are now, it will probably stay the same and i used to be like that at that age and nothing has changed' :S

      like arent we supposed to be feeling some kind of drive? everyone around me is studying and in serious relationships and on amazing vacations and partying and have jobs...i cant imagine even starting anything like that

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  • TheBirdofEndlessNoiseandChaos

    Dude, try to find something you think is awesome. Like a hobby that you're kinda into. Or really into. Or try exercising. That can be addicting. Eats up ur time, and is good for you. If not, and you enjoy being like on the computer and stuff instead, try doing something with software. Like teach yourself the ways of the computer world. Might come in handy.

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  • Audrina

    I was like this when i was your age. It is a time of transition between teenage years and adulthood. What i did was i went to my local community college and talked to a career counselor. They gave me a series of test to help determine what line of work would best suit me. The test result was rather odd to say the least, but i was game for it since i was just whiling my days away doing absolutely nothing productive and it did seem interesting. It was the best decision i ever made. I make good money and i love my career. You can still be lazy in your spare time, thats what i do :)

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    • lisac1919

      what is your career? :D

      that sounds like a good idea...but the questions wernt like 'do you enjoy math'...or those kinds of things right? cause ive already done those kinds of tests

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      • Audrina

        I am a mortician. The tests i took were specific to career placement and they focused a lot on aptitude and personality. Program systems are the way to go if you don't want to spend a lot of money on education or spend the next several years in school. I know nursing is a big one right now and registered nurses make good money.

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  • big.z

    Use to sort of be this way !! Drank a lot haha smoked weed a lot ! Played video games a lot ! But I got a hobbie . Playing banjo ahaha I know I know !! And fixing up my cars . Find something to do . You will be alright

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    • lisac1919

      besides hobbies, do you go to school? or have work? if so, do those have any positive impact on your life, as far as a feeling of accomplishment, more of a social life, happiness?

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  • not that unusual but you should really look into getting a hobby or finding your passion and setting goals and trying to achieve them because doing nothing all day every day can be very bad for your mental health sometimes and can even lead to feeling depressed. you could work on writing a story or novel, exercise, practice for your driving exam, try to find a job (although that's nearly impossible nowadays), clean out your closet or room and have a garage sale or sell things on ebay, volunteer, photography, reading, dogsitting, babysitting, learn to cook and bake, practice doing make-up and new hairstyles. There's a ton of things you could do! I always feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. And if you're super bored you could watch My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic (youtube it). I swear i could spend hours watching that show. Best of luck <333

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  • Rufus

    Don't worry, Skyrim is coming out soon.

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  • TareBear20

    I feel the same way sometimes...

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  • tox

    Get a job and aquire the monies.

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  • Ever read a thread and felt like your IQ dropped 5 points?

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