Is it normal that i don’t have any friends?
I’m 18, turning 19 and it’s the first birthday I haven’t been excited about. I feel “old” (I know I’m not, but it’s the first time I realize I’m getting there). My teen years have sucked, and everyone tells me your teen years are some of the best of your life. I dropped out of high school (because I was forced to, not because I wanted to) before I even started and I’ve never had a single friend. I just wish I had some friends to celebrate my last teenage birthday with. I haven’t had a party or presents or cake since I was 12. Everyone else had a “sweet 16” and an 18th party and all. I’m not ready for my teen years to end. I didn’t have much of a childhood, and I want more time to do some of the things I missed out on. It seems like when you hit 20 it’s just now socially acceptable to go to stupid kid stuff like go to the park or have a sleepover. Why can’t we have more numbers that end in teen? It feels like time is moving so fast now. I just want to go back. Is it normal that I’ve never had any friends or fun? Can I make up for lost time? I just want memories to reminisce in later in life.