Is it normal that i don't believe in a god but i still..
..get scared at the idea of a hell. I grew up in a Catholic family and so I know the beliefs about a god and a hell and stuff like that. Anyway I never actually believed in there being a god. I know that for sure, but I did let that fear of being sent to hell for my sins get to me. It wasn't until a few years ago that I told my family about how I've never believed in their religion. It's been tough since then, but truly a lot more freeing. Well, even though I am now open about my beliefs, I still have that fear in me about a hell. I'm afraid about being proven wrong. Like I don't doubt my belief, I just still have that fear of a hell like when I was little. When I was younger I feared it so much I would pray, (well say a prayer but I never believed in a word I said) go to church, participate in church activities and many other things just to seem like a good girl. Anyway is it normal that I don't believe in a god, but that fear of hell is still in me?
Oh and I don't need any comments on people telling me what to believe or what not to believe. Just tell me if it's normal and if you relate to it then hey go on and comment, but please spare me lectures on religion. Lol. Thank you.