Is it normal that i don't believe in a god but i still..

..get scared at the idea of a hell. I grew up in a Catholic family and so I know the beliefs about a god and a hell and stuff like that. Anyway I never actually believed in there being a god. I know that for sure, but I did let that fear of being sent to hell for my sins get to me. It wasn't until a few years ago that I told my family about how I've never believed in their religion. It's been tough since then, but truly a lot more freeing. Well, even though I am now open about my beliefs, I still have that fear in me about a hell. I'm afraid about being proven wrong. Like I don't doubt my belief, I just still have that fear of a hell like when I was little. When I was younger I feared it so much I would pray, (well say a prayer but I never believed in a word I said) go to church, participate in church activities and many other things just to seem like a good girl. Anyway is it normal that I don't believe in a god, but that fear of hell is still in me?

Oh and I don't need any comments on people telling me what to believe or what not to believe. Just tell me if it's normal and if you relate to it then hey go on and comment, but please spare me lectures on religion. Lol. Thank you.

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68% Normal
Based on 56 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • lonelysoul

    I think the issue here is deep down you do believe in god. If you thought with all your heart god wasnt real then you wouldnt be thinking about hell. You are scared because you feel that if you go your whole life without believing in god, youll end up in hell. I actually feel the same way. I was raised a christian but lately ive been questioning it and thinking god isnt real. Maybe life has done you wrong and you have a grudge against god and choose not to believe against your will. The way i felt was god cant be real because of what he put me through and i felt like everytime i asked god for something he never came through. After a while i started believing again. Would you rather live life without god then die to find out hes real, or live life with god then find out he doesnt exist? You have nothing to lose by believing in god. You will find more peace if theres a reason to life. Its not like believing in god would affect you in a bad way, it could only help

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    • Allistalla

      I make a comment but this person already said everything that needs to be said , yes I think deep down you think he is real but something in your head is saying no that it isnt but you still have that belief and proboly always will .

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    • teddy1231

      "You have nothing to lose by believing in god."

      Which one? There are bilions of gods invented till now, believing in one makes you heretic towards others, and who knows which one is right? None?

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  • Pisslan616

    I have heard that fear of hell is quite common for people who were raised in fairly religious places.

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  • ZiShu

    It seems psychologically you still believe in God but there are many walls you put up beacuse of many life experiences and simply because of no "physical" proof.
    Also you fear that when you die, you do not want to unexist or however they say.
    Well you don't believe in God, but do you believe in Satan? Because you seem to somewhat believe in Hell, maybe you have a fear of Satan instead.
    I can tell you that surely God exists, but its up to you, and you still have a chance. I myself have found the proof I need, or more like he found me.
    I can also tell you that surely Satan exists to... such an evil being.
    You can continue living your life like nothing happened.
    Do you believe in the paranormal?

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  • ShepherdRough

    yeah hell's pretty scary

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  • SeriouslySerious

    What's silly is that we as humans question the existence of God. I mean, what kind of dumb creatures are we? Most that don't believe in a God even would claim to be smarter than others. See how that works out for you on judgement day. Denying Gods existence is silly.

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  • JustaRandomDude

    I think you're a bit confused. If you know that there's no God, then you should also know that there IS no Hell because there is no God to create one. Don't be afraid of something that doesn't exist.

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  • teddy1231

    Don't sweat it, this is exactly how christianity works. It's not about love, not about compassion, it is all about fear injected straight into your unconscious mind when you were a kid.

    You have to remember what christianity did to humankind, how awful and dangerous it was few hundreds years ago when idea "hell" came out.

    First of all, there is not a single shred of evidence for hell in ancient greek or aramaic versions of bible. Same with the virgin birth, which is just added bullshit. Word "almah" which is young woman was mistranslated into virgin, "parthenas". Can you rely on book which cannot properly translate biggest "facts" about their god? Really? I can't.

    Not to mention, there is not a single word in new testament about jesus being god. He never said it, he never claimed it. People say that "son of god" which is description for thousands of people across bible is not the same as "Son of god", but... again, in ancient greek, there was no capital letter too when describing jesus as "son of god". Oh snap.

    I don't even want to start with bible cycle logic, where people believe in god because bible says so, and why bible is right? Because god says so lol. Logical, reasonable human being can't believe in contradictions, but it still can induce fear if you were under indoctrination as a kid.

    I didn't even scratch the surface of contradictions and pathology from the bible, trust me, if there IS a higher being, it's not morally inferior, hating, selfish christian god.

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  • Zealousrocker

    I know how this feels. I was raised Pentecostal and when I turned 25 or so... I finally accepted my non-belief. I don't believe in the absolution of the corrupt and inconsistent bible and I certainly do not believe in the god that it represents. I believe god to be the uncertainty that is in life. God is the unanswerable question that will only be met in death. I do believe in good and evil as far as humans go but I do not believe in heaven and hell. I think that concept is a very "human" thing to create to make people either feel better about the finality of death.... Or make people fear life so they will give all of their money to the church. So... With that being said... Every now and then... I do get the fear of going to hell. It's usually when I am vulnerable and I get this image of my entire childhood having hellfire, sin and damnation being thrown in my face. It's engraved in me... I don't deny those feelings but I accept them for what they are and move on with my life. Soo... I understand and know what you are going through. I hope this helps.

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  • jesusdiedlol

    Um you can't tell him surely that god exists? Yeah anyone can say that but do you have any evidence? Extraordinary events call for extraordinary evidence buddy. I don't believe in god because I am smarter than the average sheep. As for the OP you'll get over that feeling with time. At least you weren't brought up a Muslim like me. Muslim hell is scarier lol

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  • WhyNotCrazyGrl21

    Here's what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 18:10-14- "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do this."

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