Is it normal that i don't believe in god?
My parents were never all that religious, but they still believed in God. They never took me to church or made me pray before I ate or read the Bible everyday. I think that's why it was weird when I was introduced to God at nine years old, which is actually quite late. I thought everything they said was bogus and it made no sense to me. I remember being little and someone tell me, "Unicorns don't exist," and when I asked why, they told me, "Well, have you seen one?" I've never seen God in my entire life. I've never heard his voice. I've never felt the "Holy Spirit" in me when I went to Church. But yet, I must believe. I must never ask questions, but to only "believe", they always say. I just need to have faith. What's up with that? I feel really bad when I'm around my family because they're all the same, they're Christians, and I'm so ashamed of myself because I'm the only one who actually believes in Science.