Is it normal that i don't believe in saying i'm sorry?

In my mind, everything we say and do is on purpose. I have never done anything that I didn't mean to do on purpose. Granted the results may have been unexpected but I did it and I own it and am not sorry about it. Same for saying things, if I said something then I meant to say it and won't be sorry for saying it either.

How about you?

I Never Say I'm Sorry Either 8
I Say I'm Sorry Sometimes 42
I Say I'm Sorry A Lot 30
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Charmo

    Really? You've never done anything by accident before? Maybe extending your hand with the purpose of picking up a glass of liquid but accidentally spilling it on a rug causing a stain? That, or anything like that, has never happened to you in your entire life?
    Also, you missed several commas in your post. As a Grammar Nazi, this offends me, so unless you did it on purpose, please apologize.

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    • Mustafar

      'As a Grammar Nazi, this offends me, so unless you did it on purpose, please apologize.'
      I'm sorry but it should be
      'As a Grammar Nazi, this offends me. So, unless you did it on purpose, please apologize.'

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    • If I did spill something by mistake, it was a MISTAKE so why apologize. It goes without saying that I did not intend on spilling something. And if I did spill it on purpose I would not apologize either.

      Sorry people always say Im sorry

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      • BluntsRolled

        When you make mistakes that's just what you say, "I'm sorry".

        Like when people sneeze we say "bless you".

        Its just what we do, don't try to break it down and take it too literally.

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        • So it means nothing, its just a saying

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          • Charmo

            No, it does not mean nothing. In fact, misca has already explained the meaning.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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  • myownopinions

    I was raised and conditioned to always say I'm sorry. Heck, I even say, "I'm sorry" when I bump into an inanimate object.

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    • 77_88

      I'm happy to know that I'm not alone on that. :D

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  • misca

    You have completely misunderstood what purpose means. When results are unexpected, that's what makes actions accidental.

    If you try to give me a glass of water, but you drop it on my lap, that's an accident, because the result of your action did not match the result you expected. That's when you should say "I'm sorry".

    Saying sorry is something people say to keep others happy and maintain social status quo. If you intentionally do something which unexpectadly hurts someone, that's when you should say you're sorry. They might forgive you depending on the situation, and thus maintain status quo (= they might still be your friends).

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  • Tiffunny

    Ditto !!

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  • TerryVie

    while i agree that at the moment you do something it seems right to you(otherwise you would not do it), there's many cases when EITHER something happens by accident, but is your fault, _OR_ you get to see a new aspect in a talk afterwards.

    Especially when it comes to interaction with other people, you OFTEN have to work on "limited information", and the things you don't know may lead to errors or pain that was unnecessary.

    Let me give you an example:

    Your parents died last week in a car accident.
    I don't know since i am just a work colleague you didn't mention it to, and make jokes about such things in your presence.
    That may deeply hurt you, something i never intended to do.
    Therefor, i can fully and from the bottom of my heart apologize for bringing this up.

    In other words: You don't apologize for intents, you apologize for results. Thats the way real life works, around the work place and otherwise. The intents are all yours, and if the result is the SAME as the intent, saying sorry won't be honest. If the intent and the result are disparative, especially if YOU messed up, there may be a reason to apologize.

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  • joybird

    I agree with you to a certain extent in that I don't accept apologies very easily, as I believe the person should've thought about what they were saying or doing before they did it, and shouldn't have to apologise.

    However, I do have to accept that other people can be impulsive and don't always think before they act - unlike me, I never rush into any decision about what I'm going to say or do.

    EG I went out with my bf for 6 years before getting married, waited 8 years before deciding to have a baby, etc.

    To maintain your relationships you should apologise if you hurt someone or you will end up very lonely. I have a very rotten mother and my father always said that her main fault was that she never apologised when she was wrong. But then again, she's never wrong coz she says one thing one day, and the exact opposite the next.


    It's up to you to decide........

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  • nonameforeverwhatlol

    i believe in saying im sorry for others to hear it, but when others say it its like barking, its annoying but it will be over and i can exact my vengeance haha

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