Is it normal that i don't believe that we're animals?
I believe that we are not animals. Is it normal?
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I believe that we are not animals. Is it normal?
Why? What about humans makes you think we are anything other than very well-adapted animals?
I used to believe in evolution and originally thought that we're animals but a new possibility came to me and I started believing that that's what lead to us being alive on this planet.
Is it normal to have an opinion with no basis in fact? Yeah, people have them all the time,, it's totally normal,, as is calling the holder of an uneducated opinion a moron.
You are on a path to wisdom. Don't let man's foolish exaggerated sciences (mainly lies) keep you from the TRUTH. There are very intelligent people that believe in God and creation or that we were designed. Check out Chuck Missler. I know for SURE I am not a monkey's cousin. There is one key thing that makes us different from an animal and that is the fact that we are the ONLY creature to ask "Why?" and ponder the depth of a subject.
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But I am curious, what are we if not animals?
Humans are not animals. Why? Because they have intelligence, that's what differentiates you and me from animals..
What differenciates humans from animals is the fact that animals are here to survive, and we are here to learn. Why is it plausible for an animal to have to learn math and language skills? Because humans were made to live freely, not just survive. Based on this you might believe that humans are not animals. But the scientific definition of an animal includes humans.
Oh dear, he we go again...
No it is not normal, it just means you are not educated well and/or have a low IQ... I don't care what religion you are from or believe in. Religion should never mean you have to be stupid too.
I've grown very skeptical about evolution too. You're not alone on this.
On a second note, the term 'Animal' is just a term and whether or not you believe we are animals will not change the fact that we are, indeed, animals. However we are an advanced species of the animal kingdom so we could be classified as something more than just an animal, such as a sapient animal. Nevertheless, we will always be animals, as the term 'Animal' classifies.
If we are not animals what are we? Are we plants, maybe insects, or perhaps we are bacteria? Are we bacteria?
We're not animals, plants, bacteria, or fungi. We're descendants of aliens.
Do you have any evidence of that? Did you do any lab tests? I am open to the alien theory but considering we already have research saying we are very close to gorillas I am more likely to go with that. So do you have medical research saying we might be martians?
Well, i don't have evidence but I know that we're descendants of aliens. It's just one of those things that you know. Like a gut feeling.
Well if you have nothing you can not say we are. This is not a fact and you have no reason for believing it. So don't go telling me we are martians. I am not buying that! Unless you have something supporting any of this I do not believe you.
I'm not saying that you should believe it. I'm just saying that it's true. It's much more believable than believing we're the cousins of apes anyway. I personally believe that scientists made the whole evolution thing up and their facts aren't anything but theories that can't be proven. They can't say what happened millions of years ago because they weren't there. I know that I wasn't there either but I bet that my belief is truer than their "We're animals" theory.
I don't know about any of that evolution stuff, but how come animals such as mammals have a very similar internal structure and workings as you and me?
(aside from the fact that I'm a bird, of course)
Just because I don't believe that we're animals doesn't mean I'm "a moron", "misinformed" or "deluded". It's called having a different belief that others. So what if I believe that we didn't evolve? Who cares, really? People don't need to say things to me like "you don't know what you're talking about" or "you do not want to face reality". Who's to say I'm not right? Who's to say that the whole group of anti-evolutionists have never been right? Scientists are quite capable of lying to the public as well. For all you know, scientists made that whole thing up just to anger and demean folks. For those of you that believe in this evolution hogwash, who's to say that you're not wrong? I may not have evidence to prove that we AREN'T animals, but that doesn't mean my theory is wrong. I hope that my theory IS true so I can be truly happy with what I believe in and your evolution non-sense is brought to an abrupt downfall.
I think people are angry at you since you seem to have an agenda similar to that of many religious folks that cling to some delusional thinking that is the nexus of a great deal of the trouble in the world today.
You did not answer my question. I've dressed out many a deer and have found the internal structure to be very similar to what is common knowledge about the intrnal structure of the human body.
The difference is that the human mind is vastly superior to any animal (even most birds!). If you wish to propose a creationist/religious agenda, why not call attention to the difference in apparent conciousness between animals and humans. There is a touch of the divine there, even in very dumb humans.
And leave the birds out of it.
When someone says that we are not animals I just think "I'm not an F'ing plant". I'm not here to argue with you I just think it's ridiculous to say that we are not animals.