Is it normal that i don't do anything when something scares me?

I just can't scream or talk when I'm scared. When I am homealone and I hear something downstairs (no, there were never burglars in my house) I just stand still and listen. Sometimes I walk in slow motion to the phone to call the police for if I really hear a burglar. In movies you always see teenage girls screaming with that high pitched voice and run to the kitchen to get a knife or something. Btw, I'm also a teenage girl. When I'm scared or when someone scares me up I just go in a state of shock. So why can't I scream/run/talk? If it's just that I'm not brave enough, how can I be more brave?

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82% Normal
Based on 44 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • CompletelyOverThought

    You would probably scream if a serious situation came up. Personally if I think something is going on, I grab my baseball bat and sneak around. Makes things a bit more interesting.

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    Yes this is normal there are three reactions for when you are scared, fight and flight are the main ones however some people freeze like you.

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  • Helloworld101

    if its just me i wont scream but if theres someone else and they do first i will

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  • TheLlidD

    Everyone has a different reaction.

    I yelp and jump about 3 inches (28yr old Male)
    My Girlfriend Squeeks!!!

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