Is it normal that i don't fear ghost at all?
I dont fear them. I understand them, and I would not scream or anything if I saw one. I wouldn' run. In fact I'd probably stick around and chat. Is this normal?
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I dont fear them. I understand them, and I would not scream or anything if I saw one. I wouldn' run. In fact I'd probably stick around and chat. Is this normal?
I enjoy the company of ghosts. I like going places that may have ghosts. I have had a few experiences, but I still often wonder the difference between what it real and what may just be my imagination. I have had some unusual experiences that seem very real when they happen but at times I still have trouble believing myself when things seem unreal.
I can't see any reason why you would fear something like ghosts, considering they do not exist.
I guess that makes you a pretty smart cookie.
There is no Hard core proof that they exist, but there is also no hard core proof that they don't. And I never said they were real, I just don't fear the idea of them.
If anybody ever found definitive proof that ghosts existed at all, it would be the biggest news story in history. Since this story has not been made public in oh, let's say homo sapiens have been around some 200,000 years, then I think it's a pretty good bet that ghosts really do not exist, don't you?
So saying there is no proof that ghosts do not exist is a bit silly.
in South Africa here is a place called Uniondale. A woman was brutally murdered whilst hitch-hiking. People constantly give her a lift (at a certain time of the year) thinking she is just a person. All the people said that she never spoke. Just sat there. When they go through the tunnel and the car comes out the other side, she is gone.
You obviously haven't even bothered to google this: the alleged ghost is supposed to be a woman killed at Easter back in the 60's in a double vehicle fatality - not hitch hiking, no brutal murder and no tunnel.
The reports come from newspaper articles: I hate to disillusion you, but not everything in newspapers or even on our beloved internet is actually true and in this case there's only one press report which names one person who says the ghost sat behind him on his motor bike, he didn't actually see anything, only felt it ... There are phrases such as "many people" etc but that doesn't convince me of anything except that many journalists should be open about their fiction writing talents.
If you are OP, you did say you would chat with them, which presupposes you believe they're real.
If you are in fact stating that, it's up to you to prove your statement, because it's impossible to prove a negative unless we're talking about something scientific like a medical test. Ghosts have nothing to do with science.
That's because ghosts aren't scary. They're just retarded. All they do is move your shit around, like a roommate or boyfriend.
So, I'm the only person who thought this wasn't normal? He believes in ghosts and *understands* them...He is asking if it's normal he's not scared of them...but it's not normal that he believes in them in the first place!
Iwill remain Sceptic until i see it with my own eyes ,but as from now i don't believe in Ghosts