Is it normal that i don't get cavities?

I'm gonna be completely honest. I don't thing I have brushed my teeth regularly since I was a little kid 3-7, and I'm 16 now. I don't have any cavities and have only had one when I was 4. I eat sugar WAY more than I should, drink soda, and other enamel damaging food. The last time I actually brushed was about a week or two ago, yah... gross...I have NO idea why my teeth aren't rotting out now, please let me know why.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • SmokeEverything

    They'll rot, you're just lucky enough that it isn't obvious.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Genetic luck probably.

    I'm the same, although I do take much better care of my teeth than you do so that probably contributes too. 23 and still never had one.

    I don't know where I get it from tbh, my Mom and my brother have pretty bad teeth and my Dad's weren't amazing either. I think it's mostly because I've been raised drinking water instead of liquid-cancer sugary drinks (unlike my brother, who does drink those).

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  • Nickvey

    i fastidiously clean my teeth, i floss regular brush everyday and remove plaque with a dental pick every week. i have no cavities at age 60. i lost two molars to cracking though when i bit down on cherry pits. shame too. i think you are a damn idiot for not cleaning your mouth. i hope you get stuck with a woman that doent clean her vagina .

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    • Darkdragon0703

      I made it sound worse than it is tbh, I brush at least 2-4 times a week but I normally don’t have time because of the time I wake up. I could just wake up earlier which I will try to start doing. I just wanted to comment saying that I am already dating someone who is kind, caring and understanding and will stick with me til I die. So instead of commenting things like this on sites like this, try getting laid. Btw, I never use this thing, just wanted to see if anyone actually commented. Btw, I rarely eat sugary things (except for holidays).

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      • Darkdragon0703

        Btw, don’t bother replying because I will forget about this within an hour.

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  • If you have the genes for flat shaped teeth and the genes for lots of spit production, then you get few cavities.

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