Is it normal that i don't give a shit about the jubilee?

Hello Somenormie here back again with a question.

Anyways I'm just going to go on with my rants,

I honestly don't really care at all about Jubilee and people expect me to care about it when in reality I personally don't really care in fact I've had this feeling since I was 10 years old and I'm unapologetic about not giving shit about the Jubilee and why would I honestly care about the old lady which is the queen on some specific day on June? Just honestly?

Contrary to popular belief its just a useless celebration in my eyes and that's why I don't really want to celebrate it.

So there you have it I don't really give a shit about it and personally it'll likely stay that way.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    On the one hand I see why people got so excited, it’s the first time in over 2 years where they can celebrate without having to worry about masks, distancing and if they should even be there in the first place.

    However I find celebrating the royal family after they helped sex criminal Prince Andrew to be in poor taste.

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    • Somenormie

      Not just being in poor taste but rather disappointing and shocking

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  • AsterBean

    I am not English and I care. But not because of the Queen or the royal family. That part is just a side note in history. To me, it's about community and gathering in celebration with your people. We all need a good reason to celebrate. If not for a symbol of your history, then for what. Make something up if you have to.

    I personally hate all the pomp and circumstance around freedom and soldiers you see in my country. Don't get me wrong, soldiers deserve honor. But don't make me feel like I owe them a debt of gratitude. Not more than a whole slew of other people. But we all deserve a party. And holidays that have you gather to eat and be merry are the best.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I thought the celebration itself was very beautiful but I do understand why many don't like it. The citizens of England pay her to be an idol it's no different than a concert for the Kardashians, just classier.

    I'm not against it though, I'd have loved to go and I still have respect for the queen and all royalty but I do understand why many don't like or support it. It's not for everyone and that's okay.

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  • Solarith

    Totally normal

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  • litelander8

    Someone gets shot every year at ours. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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    • ospry

      Multiply that by 50 and you've got a regular weekend in Chicago, no Jubilee needed

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      • litelander8

        Lol. I feel that. We play “gun shots or fireworks” now that the weathers gotten so nice.

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  • Somenormie

    Good thing you don't need to know, other than it's pretty much something that's a one heck of a pointless celebration where I'm from, the only reason why I don't give one single shit about it because I find it pointless to celebrate it.

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