Is it normal that i don't know how to use this website?

I am always confused as to how I should answer questions on this site. I never know what question I am actually answering when I click Yes/No. Does saying Yes mean that it is also something that I do too? Or does it mean that I personally believe that more than 50% of people do that thing also and so that thing is indeed normal to do?

For example, if someone says "is it normal I Take Off All Of My Clothes When I Poop" I never know how to respond to these types of questions. It is very clearly NOT normal behavior since most people do not do this, however it is something that I also do. I feel like this website does not provide adequate instructions for use.

Is this normal? Or am I just overthinking things?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 29 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • DragonQueen

    The peasants no not what they say. You can say whatever u want. Then just press reply. Very simple. Freedom Reigns in this Court of Madness. The queen says good luck in your travels friend.

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  • A lot of times, the poster will ask a question in the title, but the subject of the text will ask something different. On those, I usually won't vote, but answer the question (if it's interesting) with a reply.

    More often than not, people here seem to reply with "right" or "wrong," more than "normal," or "not normal," so don't worry too much about it. It's supposed to be all in good fun :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    "Yes" usually equates to "Yes, it is normal" and "No" is usually "No, it isn't normal".

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  • dom180

    Answer however you want. You have free reign to decide what your answer means and give a comment to clarify your opinion. You have a lot of freedom on this site.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    It depends on the question. If its a poll and it has two questions "yes and I did it myself" or "no and I have not did it myself" than clearly unless you apply to both in each question can you answer. Those type of polls are really annoying. However if it just says yes, no, sometimes, maybe than you are only answering that. So use some common sense and actually read the question/poll.

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  • Shrunk

    the buttons used to just say yes or no, now they have tried to make it more clear as some other people had the same question.. you are just voting yes if you think it's normal, as in you don't think it's weird, although some people (like me) still vote yes if they think it's weird but that it's not horribly insane (i don't really use the votes much at all though). if it is then put no, but that's just how i do it, it's really up to you. I've only ever voted on maybe 10 or 15 stories total.

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