Is it normal that i don't like being seen in gloves

I have a glove fetish as I said in a previous post and I love when my boyfriend wears them for me during sex or when he's just playing with me. For some reason though I do not like people seeing me in gloves. If I were to get a job that involved wearing gloves I would try to avoid it at all costs or not take the job. I am embarrassed for people to see me. It's not like winter gloves to stay warm it's latex or any rubber glove that's tight. I was painting the other say and I kept getting paint all over my hands and I was gonna put gloves on but the second someone came near me I took them off right away. I also don't like saying the word glove in front of people I just don't like the way it sounds.

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28% Normal
Based on 36 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • orinoco

    It is not that you misunderstood what a condom is for?

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  • dirtybirdy

    How do you feel about that creepy hamburger helper glove hand thingy?

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    • delling

      They've probably had an unholy alliance in the past.

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  • imadragon

    Yeah, it's understandable.

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  • gummy_jr

    Put on some gloves and shove your fist in someone's asshole.

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  • delling

    It makes sense. If gloves turn you on, then being seen in gloves would be almost like being seen naked.

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