Is it normal that i don't like eating in front of many people?

I don't like to eat in public places. If I go to a restaurant I feel embarrassed, it seems like people are looking at the way I eat.
This also happens when I'm walking on the street and I need to eat.

So, this is normal or do I have some problem?

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 56 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Larrybird

    I had a girlfriend once and we sat together at lunch and i wouldnt eat my lunch ever, so eventually i died. Be careful.

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  • Anime7

    A lot of people are self-conscious about eating in front of others. One thing you have to realize is that literally no one cares. Unless you're a complete pig and you make a show out of eating, no one will notice or comment. People have better things to do than worry about some complete stranger eating their food.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Like Anime7 says; nobody is looking at you, unless you are a spectacularly beautiful girl. So that's your solution; always eat with spectacularly attractive people and you can be sure nobody is looking at a twerp like you. By the way, that's also the same recipe for becoming completely invisible in public.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    just dont order anything thats hard to eat. My teeth arent sharp enuf that sushi ill have to eat the whole thing ib one mouthful and THATS embarassing

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  • millefeuille

    In restaurants you shouldn't be giving a crap. But if it's not in a restaurant i'd be mindful of people depending on the sort of food i'm eating. Messy sort or what not.

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