Is it normal that i don't like thin men to touch me?
I don't like it when thin or fit men touch me. I don't exclusively mean sexually, just any touch really. I have thinner male friends, but I don't like them to touch me but I don't say anything because it is weird and rude. The only fit guy that I like to ever hug me is my own dad (no, not in a weird way).
I feel panicky when thinner guys touch me-nauseous, disturbed and scared or sometimes I blank out or have an out of body experience (like I did when I had a thin boyfriend). I had a REALLY BAD experience when I was fourteen with a REALLY SKINNY guy and I think that started my phobia. I only like to date heavy guys. Later on, some buff guy heard about me dating heavy guys and decided "show me better"...and then my phobia got worse.
I am guessing it's not normal, but feel free to throw in your thoughts.