Is it normal that i don't like to be intimate with my boyfriend?

Ok so me and my boyfriend have been together for about a month and I do still like him but I hate being touched, like I don't mind sitting together with him arm around me or with my head of his shoulder/chest but all he wants to do is kiss me and I really don't like it. I know kissing isn't all 'fireworks' and stuff but I don't really feel anything :/ He makes me really uncomfortable to the point where I'm almost happy that I'm leaving his place.

What is wrong with me??

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53% Normal
Based on 58 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • jondoerandom

    What happens when he'll want to bone you? tell him. If it's unpleasant after a month it ain't gonna get any better with time.

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  • Then what good are you as a girlfriend? Fuck off and give a real woman a go.

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    • XxKatiexX

      You sound like a swell person...

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      • Mind your own business. Because you sound like a nosey person.

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    • loopoo

      Shut it.

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      • It's 100% true though.

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        • loopoo

          So come on, tell me what's the definition of a 'real' woman?

          Oh let me guess some sluttish little whore that'll do anything?

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          • A woman who has sex with her partner, not a useless frigid one.

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  • SweetandSpicy

    Sounds like there is nothing wrong with you. But, I'm sorry to report it does sound like you two are just not compatible. He needs someone who desires his level of intamacy and so do you.. It's not gonna change sweetheart, he'll always want it and you probably never will. There is no shame is realizing you aren't compatiable with someone and leaving, that's why it's called dating, your in essence trying people on. So my advice? Move on and find a guy who shares your feeling about the yucky kissing stuff ;)!

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  • sickonine

    You are frigid. It's ok, that's perfectly normal. You either need to get someone who is also sex shy, or find someone more attractive. Is he attractive to you? (physically) Otherwise, to not kiss your boyfriend is definitely not normal, unless they are the same. You risk being left alone, I would've done that. Why? Because it seem you didn't care about the relationship.

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  • ParisViaRome

    Get a new boyfriend. You need to find one that you feel comfortable with no matter what. Besides, intimacy is usually best in the beginning of the relationship. If it sucks now, your in trouble.

    He probably reminds you of someone and you don't realize it. But regardless, sexual health is important, and so is intimacy. If you don't want to do it, it's ok, just find someone else. May be a better friend.

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  • blackalica

    Fuck'em.....fuck'em good.

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  • dejaentendu!

    I know how you feel! It's strange and I feel bad like I'm doing something wrong. Don't know why.

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  • SaiyanPrince

    Perhaps it may not be normal but I'm the same way. I may not be a female but I do understand; I don't like being intimate either. The few relationships that I was in ended after a month or two because I usually just want to have fun with [said partner]. They never seem to feel the same way though. There is nothing wrong with you though, perhaps you just don't seek intimacy as much as your partner.

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