Is it normal that i don't play videogames?

I'm a guy and I don't play videogames. I used to play the sims 2 but got really bored with it after I figured out literally every possible way to kill sims and after that I created entire families from one man which resulted in a linear family tree (no branches whatsoever so they were clone babies that grew up to clone themselves). I seem to be the only one of my friends who doesn't play videogames and I think they're really boring and I'm wondering if this is normal for a teenager?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 48 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • You dont play video games because you only played crappy video games. If you played the good stuff you wouldnt of quit.

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    • Girlygamer

      True- listen to this fact

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    • Teh4HorsMen

      Mortal Kombat!

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  • Tommythecat.

    Me neither.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's completely refreshing to see a person like yourself! Do you have any interests in art, music or sports? Find something creative to do with the energy your peers prefer to spend on video games and you'll be better than normal!

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    • Yeah I play the bassoon although that's not what I want to do 100% of the time. It can be stressful sometimes. I think I make up for time I don't play videogames by masturbating for hours which I'm not exactly proud of. I wonder if THAT is normal.

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      • Riddler

        They bore me too.

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      • IncludedSos

        Of course it is! Lots of posts here are about masturbation problems similar to yours.
        Back to the original question, you should try doing outdoor activities or something else physical if video games don't satisfy you.

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  • Royalburden


    Bro, no one cares whether you play video games or not it's like posting because you don't like the color blue. It's personal preference no matter what the opinion and has no effect on normalcy in any way.

    Though personally to all the others in the comments, and the poll creater, I see nothing wrong with enjoying them myself. It's nothing but another artistic medium in my eyes. An artist worked on that video game, that's how I like to see it. Someone who likes to create whole new worlds and situations to transport the player into. It's the most effective way to see inside another person's head. Though most the time the higher rated games are FPS and not very in depth. Shoot here shoot there, good game. But games like Borderlands, Bioshock, and Dead Space introduce you to whole new atmospheres and that my friends is about as exciting as travel gets in the real world. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into games like that. The design of each character main or not, the thought given to each prop of each set in each world, the animations, the story. In Bioshock Infinite you can look up how the developers came to develop each of the heavy hitters; the top enemies. It's like watching an inventor toil over his cration, absolutely fascinating. That's why I'm a gamer, not because I'm an antisocial masturbator with no life. Heheh though....I don't deny that I am.

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  • EveryonesALittleWeird

    It's completely normal.
    A LOT of my friends are gamers and they love video games with a passion; They could play endlessly for hours. I've tried many times to play video games, and actually get into them, but for some reason they just don't keep my interest. I find crafts and such way more entertaining. But that may just be the Libra in me :p

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  • thegypsysailor

    Apparently, today, it's not at all normal; some young people spend the majority of their lives playing computer games.
    Don't worry though, you may be one of the lucky ones when some computer generated virus wipes out all the others, you'll still be around to take advantage of the fact that most computer game players are guys.

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    • Royalburden

      Where on earth do you get that 'statistic' from? Most people I know don't know a proper game from a facebook pay-and-play. xDD

      As for the virus, that's why the Game God created Steam. Cloud based storage is everywhere these days, just re-download ;D

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      • thegypsysailor

        The "statistic" is anecdotal. The virus that people get from computers is sci fi. Whatever the hell cloud based storage is, I hope I don't get it; it sounds like a really nasty disease and hard to get rid of.
        If I played games, then that deity might be of use to me, but Neptune has my heart, for now (I'm a fickle lover).
        But let not my lousy humor add to your burden, royalburden.

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        • Royalburden

          Cloud based storage is also used on phones, music, and backup for general computer data. It's technology you cannot escape for long! (Kinda like cell phones and facebook) Basically an 'unlimited'(whatever that means) online storage bubble which allows you to store and share with ease, and when faulty hardware breaks you can simply pluck it back out of the cloud like magic(aka simply re-download free of charge).

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          • thegypsysailor

            And why can't some particularly gifted hacker pluck it out of the cloud for his own evil intent?
            No thanks, sounds like something I don't want any part of.
            I kinda liked it when telephones had wires and if the wire didn't reach, then I was unreachable. We only have phone about 3 months a year; plenty as far as I'm concerned.

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            • Royalburden

              Oooook stay in the dark ages for all I care -shrug-

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  • AngelofMercy

    Why don't you try Darksiders2 or Borderlands2, or even Diablo3 you may like those. They hold my attention. I can even just watch someone playing. Their pretty good games. Your missing out.

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    Yer playin the wrong ones.

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  • vagman30

    Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. I'm pretty much done with video games after the PS4 and XBOX One came out. I mean come on, they can't play older PS3 or XBOX 360 games? Seriously? And don't get me started with the prices. It's $60 for a new game, then you have to pay an extra $10 or $20 just to download content that could have been put in the game in the first place in order to complete it. So you're basically paying $60 for an incomplete game. I swear the world of video gaming has changed, and for the worse. It's no longer about the quality of the games. It's more about how much money the game developers can suck out of you.

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    • Royalburden

      And thus is why people have shifted to Indie and Alpha games, first of all they're generally cheaper than the mainstream big namers and (for alphas anyway) you can pretty much guarantee improvement and watch that improvement without paying more than once.

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  • dom180

    I find if I do start playing them I end up sinking almost all my time and money into them. I enjoy them, but I don't think the enjoyment is enough to compensate for the feeling of addiction so I very rarely play them.

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I get that, I emerged from my room after buying skyrim a little skinnier and with a gandalf beard

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  • I find this to be the same as the "girl gamers" situation. It's nothing special, it's normal.

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  • Anime7

    I didn't play video games at all in high school, but that was because I was too busy, not really because I didn't like them or found them boring. Although admittedly a lot of them did look awful or just not fun. Now that I have free time, and some good games I've been interested in are out, I play some. But even then I wouldn't describe myself as a gamer.

    Sorry to shift this advice towards myself, but I'm just including that little personal note in order to explain that I sort of empathize with you. Honestly it's not like it is abnormal to play video games. You do what you want with your free time, if you choose to draw or surf the net then so be it.

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