Is it normal, that i don't talk much with the people around

sometimes i feel, what should i talk, when people of different age group gather. i have to think what i should speak, to gain their attention. i just keep on listening to their gossips, talks and laughs. i feel shy, to even answer their problems they have. inspite of knowing the solution, i can't speak up, my throw of voice goes down. i sound really weird, when i try to talk with them.

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83% Normal
Based on 81 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )

    I am exactly like that. If I am at school, I usually know most of the answers, but it's like my voice won't work. Since I fear messing up or making a mistake, I get scared to answer, fearing that I will mess up. Don't worry about it. There are lots of people like that,

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  • Cookielover14

    Im like that. Whenever im in my lessons, i know the answers, but i dont answer coz i feel like the people in the class would laugh if i get it wrong or make fun of my voice

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