Is it normal that i don't think i believe in god anymore

I was put into Catholic schools from kindergarden to highschool and have had certain beliefs drilled into me. I always assumed they were right and never questioned them, until now. I have been wondering how God really exists. It just makes no sense to me anymore and I think the church is full of contradictions. These thoughts have also kind of scared me and I will never tell my parents what I have been thinking.

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84% Normal
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Comments ( 34 )
  • babaG

    To above comment: Add the words "I believe that" every time you say "God is real".

    Believe what you want and keep it to yourselves.

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  • RawrzMmm

    I think church is a bunch of crap and I will never take the bible seriously. I'm not sure about god but you should believe what you feel is right. Don't let others push you into their own beliefs. Maybe some research will help clear your mind, or just make you more confused...

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  • Ilikenoise

    Don't waste your life with religion. Just take a look at the bible - supposedly written in god's words - gee, there's a fuck load of contradictions in there! When god created the earth, why did he need a day of rest?? I thought he was god? Why does he need revenge on the people who don't believe in him? Why does he even need people to worship him? I'll tell you why - because god is man made! We can't picture something/someone without human emotions - something a god wouldn't have. If he really loved everyone he wouldn't get so upset and sent them to burn for eternity just for not believing he is real when there is nothing to even show he exists! All there is, is a book full of contradictions. Live your life how YOU want to, religion causes more shit than anything!

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  • The bible is just lessons for people to become better people but some dumbasses took it too seriously. Who knows of there really is a god but even if there was why would he want is to worship him

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  • EvilHomer15

    Him, no, the dead do not know the answer since dead people don't have any sort of consciousness.

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  • Clackers

    Believe what you think is right and reasonable don't let anyone force you to change them. I'm basically in the same situation with my parents; I don't believe anymore, but could never tell them.

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  • The whole theists vs atheists argument is pointless, because only the dead know the answer. I personally believe better safe than sorry, and believe in god.

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  • bobbyray

    I think there might be a higher power, and i think the universe might be a lobe of god's brain, but organized religion is all bullshit and it's the oldest and longest running scam in the book. they just want money and they give pedophiles jobs with access to altar boys.

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  • demonlord

    no dumb asses you are your own master and god

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  • prasatko

    Yes, it is called personal growth or intellectual development.
    Religious indoctrination of children is a dangerous and harmful form of mental child abuse. The molestation of child´s brain/emotions/intellect.

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  • MikeDur

    For those of you who do not believe or have doubts about the bible read through chapter 13 of Revelations. It speaks of a symbolic beast that was killed and later revived to be one that all would follow. As most know Revelations is a book of prophecy, and what is described as the beast was the fallen League of Nations, and the current United Nations. Tell me that chapter 13 does not perfectly describe the UN today.

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  • Princessa

    I agree wt u HIM,wot if ther is God. N the unforgivable sin is lack of belief itself. Most thngz dnt myk sense,bt does it myk sense tht ur hear on earth,living breathing,doing all sorts of thingz,so much perfection,ther must b some stronger Force behind all of this. Im a believer to the core.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      "Im a believer to the core."

      Judging from your spelling talents I'd say I'm hardly surprised.

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  • Me too! I had to pray 5 times a day since I started nursery! The thing I question is why does god make suffering?

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  • TheOmegaJuggalo

    Religion is wrong. I say you research and develop your own beliefs. Catholics are fucking psychos.

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  • You're waking up. Same thing happened to me, almost identical. I don't recommend breaking it to your parents tho, bad idea. You're starting to take on your own ideas.

    Don't listen to all the flamers, they're just shitting out of their mouths.

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  • Even if god is real, I won't listen to him. All he does is try to keep people from hving fun, if he is even real

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  • -Crox-

    I have a question for the religious ppl here.
    If God is so almighty and powerful ,can He then create a stone so large and heavy that even he cant lift it?_?
    Cause if he cant create it Hes not almighty right?
    But if He can create it but not lift it then hes not almighty again ?

    Sooo...I am all ears for answers
    Im not religious btw.

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  • I do not really know if I am a Christian.

    Because, I do not believe that there is a God sitting in the sky and decide everybodys fates, and invented the world in 7 days (actually, it was 6 days, and then he rested, and rested, and rested, then drowned everyone, excpet from one man and a bunch of animals, and then invented the rainbow, and then rested, etc, you know the story).

    However, I do feel that I am a Christian, because I believe that the message in Christanity is true. That we shall be good to others, and treat them as we want to be treated ourselves. That we should not act like savages without rules, and we should not kill nor neither steal.

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  • squeegela

    Great comment, MikaRose! It's sooo hard bein a polite athiest and NOT slappinthe Christians and the Catholics who wanna stuff it down my throat! U have helped reaffirm that there are decent theists out there!

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  • afinefrenzy

    I feel the same way. I was born into the Mormon church. And there were times when I truly believed. But now I just have no idea anymore. Trust me I want to believe, but if you think about it, religion is all a joke. I don't know, I started getting these feelings after I watched zeitgeist. Anyway, I feel more than anything now that me being Mormon is more of a burden than anything else... Sad to say but I'm constantly being judged. And I don't think that's right. This is completely normal. All my friends are questioning too. But nobody will know until it's time. Which is scary, but that's life. :(

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  • matilda10

    Maybe you have a need, you may not have found truth and peace with your religion but keep looking and praying. The way that Jesus taught still exists today as it was in the bible days.

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  • EvilHomer15

    You know, a thing called common sense and a basic understanding of how the brain works..

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  • And how would you know that?

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  • Teecat

    And we laught at the strange beliefs people have had before us even though we believe in some sort of triple split personality, son-sacrificing dude who sends a pet bird to impregnate a virgin?

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  • Christoph

    i beleive in the spirit, and bad spirit and good spirit. but god is a bit evil isnt he well the supposed god in the bible. he drowned everyone in the world commiting mass genocide. condemed humanity for eternal debt for eating a bloomin apple despite human 'curiosity' that would make it inevitable for a human to eat the apple of eden. what the hell lol????

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  • Princessa

    Can u do me a favour,go to google and search for NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES, people are missing out on so much love,fulfillment. Believe jst as u r,no need to be superhuman n super sinless,bt do repent when uv done wrong,we all know wrong from ryt. Fake it if you lyk,n ul c wot will happen. N then again what if ther is God,does it hurt to atleast believe. Try calling on God's name when ur truly hurting,try Him...u wont lose anything by believing,tell urself tht JST IN CASE HE IS REAL.

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  • so I have a story. My brother and his girlfriend were walking around campus after a party and on that night like two years ago there had been a suicide and they just felt like evil around them and they couldn't even explain it.

    And so they were passing a chapel and they heard screaming and curses and so they went inside and there was someone they knew and she was drunk as fuck and she kept changing voices and personalities and and they looked in her eyes and it wasn't her.

    She was possessed with like five different demons! And so my brother and his girlfriend were trying to perform an exorcism and when they touched her they felt the demons actually trying to attack them.

    But they talked to the demons and kept asking for their names and idk all of them but one of them said he was loneliness. And he said it through the girl but it sounded like a guy. And so they cast out the demons but it took like an hour and they were constantly praying and calling us to pray

    But there might still be 1 demon left in her cuz a guard came in and kicked them out cuz they didn't believe the story he just thought she was drunk. But he says there is still evil around campus and for us to be praying for him.

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  • strik93

    God is everyone and everyone is God we are all part of God he created us therefor we are him and he is in us.. its like a drop of water from the ocean, you dont say i have the ocean in my hands you say i have a drop in my hands but it came from the ocean so it is part of it and it is an important one just like we are all important part of God some of us are mean some of us are good but we are all still part of one and until we can all learn we are all one true peace will be reached., we come to this world to learn to be all that we can be to find ourselves thats the reason we go through different challanges along our life ., i had lost faith but learned that faith is the one true thing that keeps us in motion without faith is like living without purpose its like they say with faith you can move mountains its not the image or the person you pray to its your faith in that image or person or thing that does the magic.. God exists just as we exist.. God is everything and everyone if you dont believe in God then you dont believe in yourself or anything.. religion i believe was invented in order to separate humans, it was set to divide people and have something to fight over but every religion pray to a God which is the same one everywhere with a different name and image,, a rose would still be a rose if it were called any other would still be you if you changed your name...the bible is a magnificent book but its ok to have doubts about its content i myself have had my doubts about it it dosent make you a bad person but someone who is trying to find their meaning in this life someone that dosent go with watever someone tells them a smart person who thinks for themselves and is willing to go and search deeper for a real meaning in this world for something that will make you more you something that will help you be at peace,. I really hope you regain your faith and be one with God and yourself..

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  • Um...arent atheists trying to shove atheism down our throats? To each his own in my opinion, both sides are equally annoying.

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  • PrettyRedLight91

    To the comment above she doesn't have to say "i believe that" because we all understand that that's what she believes. Also all but two of the people that i know who went to catholic school had faith because they were taught not to question it and all that jazz and then when they got out into the real world they lost their faith. Maybe it's because of the way you were raised in it so strictly. If you don't want to stop believing but are confused I would say talk to some friends of yours who are of a different christian denomination. I am personally non-denominational, and think a lot of the catholic stuff is a little controlling and overboard that drives people away. Sorry, I'm a little wordy. If you don't believe then it's still fun to have discussions. lol

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  • MikaRose

    God is real.. unfortunately us Christians and the Catholics (really anybody) tends to force religion down peoples throat, which gives Christians a bad name to the point where we are afraid to call ourself Christians, maybe "Followers of Christ" is better, the bible even says not to force religion .. it IS normal to question, I did once but it was extremely hard to believe that he wasn't real from all my experience, God IS real, but nobody can FORCE you to believe, they can HELP you believe, but NEVER EVER force..

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  • jermath35

    Well the devil is real google "bohemian grove" or "new world order" so if the devil is real and people are satanic god is real... Also I saw a woman possessed and the church healed her!

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  • Have fun in hell

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