Is it normal that i don't think wrist cutting is a problem?

I use cutting as a way to cope with the 'hardships' in my life. I've been trying to convince my psychologist that it's just our society that condemns cutting because it has a stigma, and that most people don't understand cutting properly. It helps me breathe, it keeps me sane. I don't believe that I should have to give up something that helps me cope? Is it normal?

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24% Normal
Based on 101 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NotFloydzie

    Of course. Let me just stab my eyeballs with this fork so I could sleep better. Perfectly normal.

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  • dom180

    I have at least two friends who have cut regularly before, so I can talk from experience here. Neither of them thought it was a problem, both of them tried to rationalize it by saying that it was better to cut than to feel the stress they felt inside. Both of them were happiest when they were able to stop.

    Cutting is *not* a good long-term coping method. It might make you feel less stressed in the short term, but it does not, for want of a better phrase, "make you better". The things in your life which make you stressed, the things which make you want to cut, are still there and no amount of cutting will get rid of them. That's why cutting is a problem; because it won't solve the problems you already have.

    You shouldn't have to rely on damaging your body to keep your mind feeling sane.

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  • Yes, because learning to overcome your troubles mentally and being able to cope mentally is so last year, right?

    Overcoming your hardships mentally is far better than just postponing the feelings of them by cutting. If you cannot overcome your troubles mentally, then good luck in life.

    I used to cut, but never for emotional reasons.

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    • NothingSpecial

      I knew someone who cut because it gave them a physical sensation they enjoyed. They weren't masochists, they just really, really got a thrill out of adrenaline. I think people need to stop thinking that cutting is a sign of mental illness. It is for many, but some people are either masochists or just like adrenaline. It doesn't always have to be emotionally rooted, though it was for me.

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    • PumpkinKate

      ^ This.

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  • NothingSpecial

    Honestly, you have a point. I used to justify my cutting because I felt it was ridiculous that it was a socially unacceptable behavior while cutting is looked at as okay by many people. However, I think it's safer to say that it's ridiculous that smoking is not deemed socially unacceptable and not the other way around. Both should be seen as socially unacceptable, and I'll tell you why.

    I have no idea how long you have been cutting, but I've been doing it for five years. I also burn myself, scratch myself, bite myself, punch myself along with other methods. I don't know why you started, but I started because my mom was an alcoholic and I was bullied in school. I was developing depression and I wanted relief. I heard it helped, and I wanted to feel better, even if it was an extreme measure. Honestly, I was willing to try a lot of things at that time if they would help alleviate my pain. I knew if someone would offer me drugs I would take them, but I barely had any friends and none of them knew how to get them, so cutting was all I had.

    It started out really simplistic. Small scratches every once in awhile. It became something I did multiple times a week. I did it a lot. My early teen years can be described as being isolated and alone while watching tv at night and covering my arms with toilet paper, finding the blood covering the white, thin papers to be beautiful. It became my life. Of course I was found out, but no one did anything until I was hospitalized for suicide a couple months before I turned 15. That was when finally, my family had to do something.

    Nothing worked. I still cut at my arms, legs, stomach. I'm covered in scars. Now the guilt of cutting myself, the shame of my scars are a societal construct. I only feel ashamed of my scars because people shame me for them. I only feel disgusted with myself for cutting because it's viewed as a bad, dangerous behavior that's ruining my life. If it was viewed as healthy or normal, I may not feel that way, but I should because it's not healthy. It has ruined my life in many ways.

    You need to understand that what you are doing is dangerous for both your mental and physical health. I don't give a shit if you think you're not cutting deep and you never will. I never intended to give myself stitches, cut wide gaping wounds that showed my fat tissue. I'm lucky I have never split a vein, cut to the muscle, given myself an infection, lost an ample amount of blood, put myself into shock. Every time I drag a razor across my skin that's exactly what I'm risking. I'm risking endangering my life.

    That could happen to you too. Few people intend to cut deep enough to cause damage. Self injury is usually a survival tactic. You want to live, breathe, survive your pain and feel that you can get through the hell you're enduring. You don't want to cut deep enough to cause serious damage, just to feel like you can handle whatever life throws at you. One day you might slip, cut deep and not have the chance to survive or make it okay. You really don't want that, and that's one of the many reasons why it's an unhealthy behavior.

    Also, the mental health? While it is a misconception that cutting is only for emotional reasons (some people are masochists or something), it usually is for emotional reasons and I can tell it is in your case. You know what? My stress tolerance is shot. Cutting is an addiction, something you crave. You become emotionally attached to the endorphins it releases. When you can't cut yourself, you get stressed out. What happens is you find it harder to NOT cut because not only are you stressed out over whatever is causing you to cut yourself, you are stressed out over the overwhelming desire to feel better by causing damage to yourself. It's just not a fun thing to deal with.

    When you cut, you are not dealing with anything. When you smoke a cigarettes, you may be dealing with your problems in a socially acceptable way, but you aren't dealing with anything either. Self destruction is a way of masking your feelings. It's a temporary solution. You don't have to think about anything. You don't have to get to the root of the problem. You just have to cut yourself, shoot up your drugs, drag on your cigarette and you feel numb to your current situation, to the pain. What happens is all of the crap going on inside you adds up and that leads to a deep rooted problem that's hard to fix. Whenever you cut, you're not solving anything, you're making everything worse.

    You sound as if you are in denial of how dangerous and unhealthy your habit is because you don't want to give it up. You're purposely setting yourself up; you're protecting your habit, reasoning it by backing it up with your own warped logic. I've done that constantly. I'll tell myself it's not bad, people just want me to feel bad about it because they don't understand, that if I quit cutting I'll go crazy, that I need it to level myself out. You don't want to give up your coping skill as you said in your post. You're doing whatever you can to keep on cutting yourself, to keep what you feel is the only thing that helps you safe so that you can keep on doing it forever. You should talk to your psychologist about this and tell them that you feel like it's the only thing you have to deal with your pain. It might help.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If you die i think i might miss you but i don't know you so who knows.

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  • Ozzy

    cutting urself means you're mentally ill, so you try to forget the mental pain by hurting ure self physically.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    No it's not.

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  • Faceless

    Instead of cutting yourself, why dont you cut that idea out of your head. *rim shot*

    I'll show myself out.

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  • MissClaire

    Sounds like you have already decided to cut yourself to cope with the rest of your life; if you dont see this as being a long term fix, then you know you need to stop.

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  • People who cut themselves are fucking retards who haven't the balls to take their problems out on others.

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