Is it normal that i don't think zooey deschanel is hot?
Everybody thinks she's so hot, especially the awkward sort of guys that are in some of my circles. It's like, "Oh, she constantly plays awkward, quirky women who like awkward, quirky men! That clearly means that she likes to spend her days hanging with socially and sexually inhibited men while drinking chocolate milk from a straw and cuddling to the Magnetic Fields on rainy days (or whatever other twee shit one can think of)!" I've just never liked her that much. I don't find her all that attractive because she just looks to me like a type-casted ball of walking twee and indie-chic (they even made her character a fan of The Smiths in one movie) and it's like she was just made specifically by a sexually-frustrated mad scientist (IMMA NICE GUY!!!) who collected vinyl albums, read Kurt Vonnegut, and had an 'ironic' sense of humor. Nothing but fodder for the fantasies of hipster virgins on Rate Your Music.