Is it normal that i don't trust horses?

I'm not sure if it's a fear, I think it's more of a trust issue. I hate horses. I've never understood the obsession. They have long faces, sad dark emotionless eyes, permanent metal shoes, and giant teeth. They could kill you with a kick, and you know they all want to. They spend their lives being sat on but fat gross people who kick them and feed them apples and hay. Sounds like a shitty life to me. is it normal that I don't trust them?
I also dont like raccoons with their masks and thumbs.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 87 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Dude, the fuck? Lol. It sounds like youve been reading the oatmeal or some shit man.

    Horses are fantastic animals and theyre incredibly deep creatures. Treat a horse right and you will have a loyal companion until it dies. Mistreat them and there'll be hell to pay.

    But to mistrust a horse? Unless you either dont know how to handle yourself around a potentially skittish animal or you havent really been around very many horses up close and in person, there really is very little to fear. My assumption is that youve never had much close contact with horses. Most of the time theyre amazingly gentle.

    And we put those permanent metal shoes on them to protect their hooves from all kinds of injuries that could cripple them. Its much easier for a horse to become lame than other animals.

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  • I dont really trust them much myself, a few years back I had a horse that told me their were a bunch of deductions I was missing out on for my taxes and he helped me prepare them.

    Man I was auditted so hard by the IRS and had to pay so many fines it was the last time I will ever trust a horse again.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    To be honest, I really like horses, despite never have been on a horse. They are one of my favorite animals because of their power and strength, and grace.

    Maybe YOU'RE the one that eats hay and apples! :P

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  • MissClaire

    Horses have been mans best slave for centuries - respect.

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  • pandabear1209

    I wasn't aware that only fat gross ppl ride horses lmao

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    • bobcarlson

      that seems to be horses target market

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  • Dozis

    Very big trouble.
    How you ever going to solve it?
    oh yeah, stay away from horses.

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  • bobcarlson

    i saw a horse try to bite a kindergarten boy's fingers you're distrust is not irrational. if you were afraid of butterflies id call u crazy but a butterfly couldnt kick u to death

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  • they are gorgeous but i never walk behind one

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  • horsecrazy58

    Every animal on earth is unique , and i like to call horses 'Divine Mirrors' meaning they reflect something so magical. Of course its normal to have a so called 'fear' of something but youve taken it too the extreme. Firstly not all horses or shod or need to be shod. My 3 mares are all bare foot , due to them having stronger hooves. For my 2 geldings who are shod, the farrier comes out every 6 weeks , to TAKE OFF there shoes , and trim/ polish their hooves. Horse shoes CAN be removed.

    Secondly thats very stereotypical about how you said that fat riders kick there horses to death ect. Not all riders kick the shit out of there horses , and are over weight. Yeah whats wrong with feeding them hay , apples , grain , treats ect? Is it 'abuse' that we want our horses to have good nutrition ?

    Yes you do always have that chance of getting kicked by a horse. Ive been kicked by MANY of the horses that ive trained throughout my life , but guess what ? I kept going. Lots of horses have the option to kick you. But 9 out of 10 of them choose not too. Please educate yourself on horses and equestrianism before coming to a public forum and looking plain ignorant and stupid.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I love most animals, especially mammals! But I haven't been around a lot of horses nor do I have a huge interest in them. If I could afford it I would love to learn to horseback ride and maybe even own a horse. Also I've heard there are therapies for anxiety and PTSD that involve riding horses and I'm curious about that. But also horses are huge, strong, skittish and technically they are prey animals in the wild. So that can be a dangerous cocktail. My closest animal friendships have always been with dogs and cats. I dunno if that would necessarily be true if I'd been raised on a farm or ranch. But I suspect had I been raised on a farm I still would be more into dogs and cats cause their much smaller, calmer and more secure in their surroundings. I don't know much about horses but they seem very vulnerable to me. This is just my opinion but I trust a Golden Retriever more than I would ever trust a horse.

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  • AnonymousOfCourse

    I don't agree, but you put it in such a good way that I can feel where you're coming from with this.

    Except the part about the Raccoon, Raccoon are adorable, even if they are little annoying scavengers.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Frankly, I wouldn't trust a horse either...

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  • StarScream18

    Yes it is normal. Horses are big animals. And can inflict a lot of damage if provoked. But most horses are normally calm and gentle.

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  • Failedcasanova

    Semi-permanent shoes. They do have to be replaced from time to time.

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  • ItDuzzy

    Yeah, normal for delusional people!

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  • bob101

    fat gross people ride horses? uhh id like to see a fat person even TRY to get on a horse.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Search "Fat Lady Can't Get On Horse" on Youtube. That shit is a RIOT!

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  • YesIGotSwag

    that was my first comment ever :D

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  • YesIGotSwag

    I like horses wtf

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  • Avant-Garde

    They scare me, I find them to be very disturbing. I used to love them, but now I don't want to be anyway around them...

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  • coffeebreath

    I love horses, despite having been thrown off their backs several times, and either get stepped on or dragged along, with my foot still in the stirrup.

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    • Shackleford96

      Haha, funny the things we will endure.

      When I was quite little, my older sister used to put me on horses bareback to break them. I got thrown off several times, but I always got right back on :)

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Just making a note outside my one post, since its kinda wall of text-y.

    If you dont want a horse to kick you when you stand behind them, keep your hand on their hindquarters at all times. Horses most frequently kick because they cant see you well when youre behind them and they get scared.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'd love a Mustang Boss 302...

    The more horses the better, w00t!

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    • lc1988

      That's the car my bro it good?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Rated better than many vehicles in that class. In my opinion, it's a total win.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Dude im scared of horses too, and i still hate when my grandma thought it be cool to put me in horse camp....FML

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  • Shackleford96

    "and you know they all want to."


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  • zchristian

    Just like every other animal out there how can you know they dont want to kill you :P Loads of sarcasm there still you cant really know if it wants to kill you just because your fat and ugly and has taken a ride on it... Funny is i also know that you did mean yourself when you said that...

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  • aussiewolf

    horses are like sharks, very misunderstood.

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