Is it normal that i don't understand the whole concept of religion ?

I just don't why it's a issue in this world, I mean where the whole concept come from except some books and traditions ? would we even had the concept of religion ? I mean i wasn't raised religiously (without being raised as atheist, religion wasn't just a thing in my education and the best description of my parents about would be "apatheists" ) and I would never think about things like religion and god(s) by my own, so it don't seems really natural to mec (I know that many religious people thinks being religious is natural but in my experience, it's not the case)

I describe myself as atheist because a think that agnosticism is too much...passive : it don't put "believe in god" and "don't believe in god" as two equals possibilities since for me, it's to those wo affirms something to prove it more than those who don't believe in this thing; and I don't think It's really possible to be apatheist in a so religious world.

I have nothing about religious people but I don't understand them : how it's possible to believe so strongly in something without proofs.
And how you know it's the right religion ? I mean..well someone ask about it generaly he is answered by an citation of the Bible that said "Jesus is the true path" or something like that but without offense, it's a bit senseless for someone who don't believe in the Bible and Jesus and you're far the only ones to think like that : muslims said Islam is the true religion because it's written in the Quran, Jews thinks they are the chose people because its written in the Tora, ect...why i would believe you rather than them ? Why i would believe them rather than you ?
Some others speak about religious experience but it exist in any religions many good people die without this kind of experience and say "if someone is a good-will man, he will discover god" is quite a unprobable and easy answer.

Some others said that the Truth must be not so much evident otherwise there is not more free-will and the good must be more difficult to take than the bad ones but there is a difference between that and makes it completly un knowledgeable and so random (if you can't know what is the good choice, it's not really free-will and more of a gage)

And the most weird thing is that what is your religion is in 99% of the cases just a demographic thing (see statistic : there is religious map of the world) : most people believe in what they have been raised and in most place of the world, your religion is not even a choice.
And have you already seen someone's who wasn't raised with any idea of God becomes religious ? All converts I know had deep roted idea of the Christian God and were almost christians in denial.

I don't grasp who a "true" unbeliever can convert and why.

And if a religion is a true does it means 99% of those who believe in this Religion goes in the Heavens because they have been raised in the good religion even if they wouldn't even considerate the "good religion" if they have been raised in an another religion ?
And 99% of those who believed in a wrong religion goes to hell because they have been raised in this wrong even if they weren't less goods or open-minded than those who have been raised in the good religion ?

I don't think I'm closed-minded : I have reconsiderate my position several times, try to understand believers and all that; I don't think I'm smarter than most people so I'm a bit puzzled about the fact being in a extrem minority in a world where almost everyone don't thinks like me at all but it still the same problem.

I hope I wasn't offensing; if you have an opinion about it, it would be great.


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Comments ( 25 )
  • chole

    It's the ultimate comfort food for the price of ignorance.

    Now that's a deal.

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  • Dad

    Religion was made by man (probably some men who decided it would be fun to control others) because of fear of dieing, and because of things like lightning etc. which could not be explained at the time.

    The 'heavens' was seen at night time when the stars came out. There was no understanding of the Earth revolving, the stars seemed to have some spiritual connection, and again due to ignorance, they early man did not realize they were other planets suns etc.

    Our world 'looked' like it was created. There seems to be fruit that humans like, and meat and lots of air and water etc. Again through ignorance, it was unknown by early man that we evolved into this, and therefore the resources of the world had to compatible to humans (and all life on Earth).

    But about this 'early man'. Science informs us (as fact not theory) That humans have been around for as long as 200,000 years. BUT the Earth is about 5 BILLION years old, AND the actual universe is 13.8 Billion years old.
    So, God decided to wait, 13,799,800,000 YEARS until he thought he would make 'man' with a soul and no other life form?? I just don't think so :)

    With the FACT of evolution (theory in absolute science only) and the fact that our universe is so old, and the fact that Earth is NOT the centre of our tiny galaxy or the billions and billions of other galaxies, with billions and billions of other planets in each of them, in our entire universe (or multiverse!)
    I find it SO unlikely that ANY religion is correct, that I literally laugh at how pathetic they are.
    Note: Laughing at pathetic religious beliefs is not putting down people, it is the mythical idiotic belief in religion or a God (lol) that is funny (and obviously dangerous for our human survival.

    Religion is wrong, it is bad, and its pathetic.

    I hope that helps answer, why religion exists, and why it shouldn't ;)

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    • TareBear20

      You said it best. :)

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    • Crystallvera

      I love science :). But I'm kind of confused on how the age of the world and universe disproves God?

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      • Dad

        Disproving 'religion' ;) ie Only humans have souls, even though life has been around long before people. Hope that helps my point to you.
        Plus also implying that belief in God, does seem to be silly, since it was religion originally that made him up.

        Basically I was keeping with the religion point.
        Regarding deities, I would state more to the point state, prove to me he exists (not 'disproves God). And I'll prove to you that unicorns and fairies could also exist. The 'god' part was just an inevitable extension to the ludicrous point that religion is ridiculous :)

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        • Crystallvera

          I've done research and I've found that no one can prove nor disprove God. Which is why you end up with people on both sides of the spectrum because some choose to believe and some don't. For me, I chose to belive because of a lot of other experiences I had spiritually. However, I do agree with you on how religion is bad. It's very legalistic but if you really understand the Gospel about Jesus , you would understand that he doesn't like religion either and we are suppose to be set free from that :)

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          • Dad

            Its not about one or the other and let the debates begin. We both know it is useless on both sides to debate this.
            It is about what is TRUE. There is only one truth.
            Presently there is zero evidence in any god nor in a flying teapot on the dark side of the moon.
            Just 'personal experience' (or feelings) are not very trustworthy, even for yourself. I mean even lovers who have been together for 20 years divorce, with many hating eachother. Your 'feelings' can change, personal experience is not a good thing to base your entire life on.

            I doubt that will help my point to you, but atheism, especially people not being 'religious' these days, is on the rise, due to knowledge reason and rational understandings. We are in the space age now, things are getting better all the time. Most of us dearly hope we DO find any life on another planet. This fully goes against a religious god, and it continues to raise doubt on any god.

            The multiverse theory doesn't need a god either, and that's fascinating, way more interesting than one entity looking over (or creating) everything.
            Science is not boring, its spiritual and beautiful, and our young children are seeing this.

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            • Crystallvera

              Like you said earlier, there is no point in arguing about whether or not God exists. I agree with you that there is only one truth and that's what it's all about, and there no proof that God doesn't exists so we can just leave that there. What I find heart wrenching is that many atheist have a misconception about how people who are believers are. I feel like we are looked at as silly God worshipers with blind faith, and that is very far from the truth. I've noticed that the strongest converts have been previous athiest, me and my husband included. Many times previous athiest that come to the faith ask that question we all ask ourselves, what is truth. But when they ask it, they have a really open mind and open heart as to where they might end up finding the truth. So I just really want to encourage you to try to understand and not be degrading to all Christians. Trust me, I know Christian have their stereotypes about athiest and I don't think that's right either.

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    • pixie44

      Who says earth is the only thing God created though?
      I'm responding to your paragraph that says:
      "But about this 'early man'. Science informs us (as fact not theory) That humans have been around for as long as 200,000 years. BUT the Earth is about 5 BILLION years old, AND the actual universe is 13.8 Billion years old.
      So, God decided to wait, 13,799,800,000 YEARS until he thought he would make 'man' with a soul and no other life form?? I just don't think so :)" Very long sorry lol.

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      • Dad

        If you are stating that god created everything. Then why did god wait billions of years to ONLY give souls to humans? I mean there's lots of life before humans, even life existing billions of years ago. Pretty sure if I were god, those slugs would have souls and people should praise that. Insinuating that god may be a dirty slug, which is more likely than an image of man.

        Again I'm keeping with the 'religious' theme here.
        Belief in a god is also stupid, but that's just like religion, its the same really, both ignorant superstitious mythical stupidity (definitely stupid to believe in any god these days).

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        • pixie44

          Not just humans have souls though. A lot of religions including mine believe that animals and other species have souls.
          I don't get how people who believe in science can accept that fact that an explosion of atoms happened out of nowhere but the belief of a higher power is so far fetched. To each his own opinion but you shouldn't bash a religion that's really disgraceful. No one knows everything. So don't call people stupid just because your opinions are different than somebody else.

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          • Dad

            I only just received your reply, via email, right now. Plus there wasn't any flag stating a comment had been given. So apologies on late reply.

            I'm not aware of any religions that allow souls for other life. Although I would state that a soul for plants trees would be looked upon better than just humans. So I don't just stop at humans or animals, plus I don't actually feel its likely any life has this mysterious sole.

            Which leads on to 'opinions'.
            It is not an opinion or even debate on if there is a god, or grounding for religious belief against the Big Bang! The Big Bang is a fact, we (science) have confirmed this in many ways (I don't want to discuss the expanding universe or heat or observations). The Big Bang marks the best answer provided by facts using knowledge and observations. As up to now, nothing has ever gone against it (other than religion which doesn't count). If there was one tiny bit of evidence against the Big Bang understanding, it would be thrown out immediately. So far its our BEST understanding.

            Religion, or just belief in a god comes with zero evidence.
            Plus there is a great lot of evidence and facts against god beliefs. It is closer to nonsense than it is to a probability. In regards to probability its so far down the bottom of theories it is NOW not even discussed as theory. God beliefs are now stated as myths.

            We don't know everything.
            But we do have some excellent substantially factually correct scientific understandings, and not one allows any belief in a god as anything but superstitious nonsense.

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            • pixie44

              Its ok about the late reply dw about it.
              But how did the big bang just happen out of nothing?
              There are also a lot of scientific evidence that accounts as proof of after life and spirituality. There are also a lot that account for science as well. You just have to look at both ends of the spectrum.
              We will never have 100% truth until death comes to us. But please be nicer to those who are religious. Have your opinions but don't put someone down like that.

              THAT BEING SAID: please explain how the big bang worked? Or do you not entirely know yourself? Are you just agreeing with scientists? Did you do an experiment yourself or are you just solely using faith and relying on what the media and scientists say.. ;) Science is a religion in its self. lol

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  • Ace09

    Know god, No peace
    No god, Know peace

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  • Crystallvera

    Oh and to answer you question about if you grew up being in a certain religion does that mean all who are that religion are saved. The answer is no because it's not about a label you put on yourself. It's about your soul and your eternal life and what you believe in your heart of hearts. God is a just God...

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    • Dad

      I'm going to answer for the OP.

      Its not about God, the topic was about religion, and therefore only a God of (one of the many thousands of) religion.

      If we are just speaking about belief in God (without religion), then that would be a whole different subject.

      It worries me when others try to turn the conversation around. The OP doesn't understand the concept of religion, me too :)

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      • Crystallvera

        I was trying to only explain the religions he mentioned, where did you get confused?

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        • Dad

          Its your last words about 'God is a just God... ' its leaning towards no religion and just belief in a god. If you were fully basing on just religious point of view - my bad :)

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  • Crystallvera

    Man, you have a lot of really good questions and I applaud you for that :). I'm going to try to answer what I can in the simplest way possible. You're asking basically what is ultimate truth and how can we tell, which is a question I asked myself numerous times before. There are a lot of "religions" out there and it's hard to figure out which is true. But, I just really dislike the word religion, because truly believing in God doesn't require a relgion. Now, here are the differences between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Muslims actually believe in the first five books of the bible, that's what they read. They believe Muhamad (hope I spelled that right) is a prophet from God and he says that all the books of the bible after the first five are corrupted and that Jesus was not the messiah and that Jesus never claimed to be. The messiah was believed to come and save the Jews and the sinners. We has said to be God in the flesh and there are many prophecies made about him in the Old Testament. Now the reason I don't believe in the Muslim "religion" is because Muhumad wrote his testamony long after Jesus died and he makes these arguments about Jesus ministry that only someone who was there could make. However, Muslims do belive that Jesus was a prophet from God, just not the messiah. Jews believe in the whole Old Testament. They believe that the messiah still hasn't came and they don't believe that Jesus was the messiah. I don't believe that because I have read and done research on Jesus and he fullfilled all the prophecies made about the messiah. Christian believe in both the Old and New Testament. However, they no longer practice the Old Testament laws , which talks about all the laws one must follow to be holly and a child of God, laws like keeping the sabbath, not eating pork, if a man and women are caught fornicating, you must stone them to death, and all those crazy laws you hear people quote in the bible. Now, Christians no longer practice these laws because they believe the messiah has come and we, all sinners and all Jews, have been set free from the law because Jesus has fullfilled all the laws. We no longer need to try and be holy because believe in Him, and taking on His identity makes us holy. There's now nothing we can to save ourselves other than believing in Him :). When I asked what truth was, this was the answer...

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  • pixie44

    Here's the thing for me. Why can't all religious people just focus on the fact that they all believe in a higher power. Whether they have different ideas about how to practice their faith should be irrelevant because it's all the same, you know?

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  • Arm0se

    People don't love God, they love the comfort the idea of God brings.

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