Is it normal that i don't understand the whole concept of religion ?
I just don't why it's a issue in this world, I mean where the whole concept come from except some books and traditions ? would we even had the concept of religion ? I mean i wasn't raised religiously (without being raised as atheist, religion wasn't just a thing in my education and the best description of my parents about would be "apatheists" ) and I would never think about things like religion and god(s) by my own, so it don't seems really natural to mec (I know that many religious people thinks being religious is natural but in my experience, it's not the case)
I describe myself as atheist because a think that agnosticism is too much...passive : it don't put "believe in god" and "don't believe in god" as two equals possibilities since for me, it's to those wo affirms something to prove it more than those who don't believe in this thing; and I don't think It's really possible to be apatheist in a so religious world.
I have nothing about religious people but I don't understand them : how it's possible to believe so strongly in something without proofs.
And how you know it's the right religion ? I mean..well someone ask about it generaly he is answered by an citation of the Bible that said "Jesus is the true path" or something like that but without offense, it's a bit senseless for someone who don't believe in the Bible and Jesus and you're far the only ones to think like that : muslims said Islam is the true religion because it's written in the Quran, Jews thinks they are the chose people because its written in the Tora, ect...why i would believe you rather than them ? Why i would believe them rather than you ?
Some others speak about religious experience but it exist in any religions many good people die without this kind of experience and say "if someone is a good-will man, he will discover god" is quite a unprobable and easy answer.
Some others said that the Truth must be not so much evident otherwise there is not more free-will and the good must be more difficult to take than the bad ones but there is a difference between that and makes it completly un knowledgeable and so random (if you can't know what is the good choice, it's not really free-will and more of a gage)
And the most weird thing is that what is your religion is in 99% of the cases just a demographic thing (see statistic : there is religious map of the world) : most people believe in what they have been raised and in most place of the world, your religion is not even a choice.
And have you already seen someone's who wasn't raised with any idea of God becomes religious ? All converts I know had deep roted idea of the Christian God and were almost christians in denial.
I don't grasp who a "true" unbeliever can convert and why.
And if a religion is a true does it means 99% of those who believe in this Religion goes in the Heavens because they have been raised in the good religion even if they wouldn't even considerate the "good religion" if they have been raised in an another religion ?
And 99% of those who believed in a wrong religion goes to hell because they have been raised in this wrong even if they weren't less goods or open-minded than those who have been raised in the good religion ?
I don't think I'm closed-minded : I have reconsiderate my position several times, try to understand believers and all that; I don't think I'm smarter than most people so I'm a bit puzzled about the fact being in a extrem minority in a world where almost everyone don't thinks like me at all but it still the same problem.
I hope I wasn't offensing; if you have an opinion about it, it would be great.