Is it normal that i don't wanna date this guy because...

There's this guy who's so cute and I kind of like him but I don't cause he's poor and he's from downtown and i'm from uptow. Plus my parents would never approve of me dating a guy like him! But its not this what makes me dislike him its just he's not like my normal friends and he even has to work to earn money and it makes me ew... but it sucks cuz maybe we could have a nice relationship. help please?

Voting Results
11% Normal
Based on 170 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 195 )
  • Corleone

    You're right, don't date him. He deserves better than you.

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    • Legless


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  • BLAh81

    There are only two possibilities here:

    1. You're a troll.
    2. You're a spoiled bitch (whose parents also suck BTW).

    Which is it?

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    • boston12

      like im a stupid bitch, seriously wat grade r u in. get a fuckn life bitch

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      • You're so rude, I'm not in School anymore

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          To make a more serious note you are a complete bitch. You are a snob and probably never had to lift a finger in your life. I hope one day you lose all your money and when you are spit on begging for cash in the street you will wonder "Maybe I was kind of a bitch to this guy". You are a snob. Maybe he was not born into a rich family like you.

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          • Thank you, I hope this doesn't happen to me but if it does I will remember you.

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          • BLAh81


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    • WTF DUDE Why is everybody saying i'm a troll? It's not so weird

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      • BLAh81

        Oh, you're not a troll, huh? Uhm, well I guess option 2 then applies: you're a spoiled bitch (with crappy parents too).

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        • My parents are alright, thanks.

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          • BLAh81

            "Plus my parents would never approve of me dating a guy like him!"

            Yeah, they sound fantastic.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Working to earn money is ew? You're a fuckin snob.

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    • Well no... it's just... it would be better if he lived in my hood and if he was more.. like me and my friends....

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      • OswaldCobblepot

        Woah woah woah… "a guy like him"… "more.. like me and my friends...."

        Is that code for him being a different race?

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          No it is code for she only knows rich people. Who hood as in the rich nationhood. So he is just a low worthless peasant in other words. She wants a guy with money and cash. She does not want a poor little janitor fellow who actually works for what he has. She wants someone who has been raised with money who whole life. She is a bitchy snob and only cares what things look like. Barbie girl Syndrome. They have certien community or housing areas in which they only have big rich houses. I kind of assuming this is what she means.

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          • OswaldCobblepot

            I'm still not convinced.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              Sorry I did not mean nation. My computer has automatic word correct.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Watch Alladin. He was good enough for princess jasmine now wasn't he. Even though he was a rifraff, street rat.

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        • mannmann

          favorite disney movie!

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        • the disney movie?

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          • dirtybirdy

            Haha yup. And no im not a child I just thought of it. Peasants always seem to be good enough for royalty in the movies. Personality, ya know.

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            • I've seen it haha BUT HELLO, this guy is magic. i'd date a guy who can fly too....

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  • PapzBSlim

    Stop being so "stuck up." Him earning his money shows his character.

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    • Mando

      "It's not a sin to be poor but then again, it's no great honor either." 'If being rich is a disease then, may God strike me with it, and may I never recover." Fiddler on the Roof

      Here's another - "Through your rags I see your vanity." Socrates - in other words reverse snobbery.

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  • sYki

    It could work, you may still be able to have a nice relationship. If you don't want him cause he has to work for a living then tell him to quit his job and come live off you. If you live off your parents (who worked for their money..ew) then keep him a secret and you can both live off them from what they give to you. That is of course only if you really do want to try and have a nice relationship.

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  • Mando

    I can't know the details of where she is coming from but there are young people who must work to help put bread on the family table which is different than say for savings and spending money. There is nothing wrong with work of course you are right. But the reason he has to work is what I think she finds difficult not that he is working.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    A snobby trust fund skank internet troll? Ew.

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    • kay everybody's making fun of my ew!!

      you people are so weird saying it's a troll. idk or i'm so different from you guys or you're really so strange

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      • NotStrangeBird

        "Ew" sounds very childish.

        You're the one who is engaging in class warfare.

        Nobody respects someone who has not worked for what they have and has an attitude about folks that have less.

        Maybe you're a good person but you've come off as a spoiled princess here in my opinion.

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        • BLAh81

          "Nobody respects someone who has not worked for what they have and has an attitude about folks that have less."

          HELL YES! That is the very core of this thread.

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          • Well then you wouldn't respect me or any of my friends of people who went with me in high school. Different places I guess. huh.

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            • BLAh81

              I guess not.

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            • NotStrangeBird

              Let me guess, you and your people don't respect anyone who dresses wrong (i.e. expensive fashions), doesn't have the correct look, accessories (i.e. expensive crap) and titter and gossip about those that had less.

              Read up on what happened during the French revolution. Good luck.

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        • Yeah I'm pretty spoiled and I've never hated it. I've never had a job and tbh I don't want to. You might see it wrong but I'm okay with going out with the money my parents give me. It might be morally wrong but sorry I'm not gonna start working just because.

          Okay Ew might be too childish, sorry about that. I didn't know how to say it because I don't really know how I feel, it just confuses me.

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  • Alysin

    Why would him earning his own money be "ew"?
    Would you prefer some child that gets everything from mommy and daddy?

    It shows he's responsible, you sound like you think you're a lot better than other people an are given everything you want.

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    • it's not that i think i'm better, just luckier i guess, and i'd like to find somebody as lucky as me?

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      • PapzBSlim

        You are being real snobby but I will not hold it against you. Have you tried to get a couple of dates with some kings and princes of some countries? Sounds like marrying into royalty is your last hope. I am not confident that you will be eligible to marry into royalty since they will look upon you the same as you do to that guy.

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        • Yep, they'd dislike me, but i don't mind.

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          • BLAh81

            "Yep, they'd dislike me"

            Implying you yourself dislike those "beneath" you.

            "i don't mind."


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  • PumpkinKate

    Gimme a T!
    Gimme an R!
    Gimme an O-L-L!
    Oh, hell! It's a TROLL!

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    • Whateeeeeeeeeeeeeeever

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  • Mando

    Life experience I guess. It's sure there in your posts. I think the OP is a nice young person who is advantaged and asking the right questions as someone who likes a young guy from a different economic class. Gutsy and honest of her, don't you think? I do.

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  • Rock_in_Aus

    Okay we'll speaking from personal experience I'm 18 and I started working at the age of 15, my dad works and earns a fair bit of money but i wanted to work for my own money to know i earned it and I was recently seeing a girl whose parents both worked and she could have easily lived off them as well as the money she made from the modelling that she was doing but she actually went out and got a job so she didn't have to live off her parents and knew she was earning her money. What I really liked about her apart from her awesome personality was the fact that she was hardworking and actually wanted to know that she what she had was well deserved due to hardwork.
    I believe you can make it work but you just have to realise that this guy is doing what every adult does and working for a living and become comfortable with that fact.

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  • r3vmixman

    My advice is coming pretty late but I just wanted to say you should go ahead and do what your parents would most approve of. Yes, I feel sorry for the guy, but in the end he is getting the better deal. Don't date him.

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  • Shroot

    I hope someone shoves a chainsaw up your ass

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    • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • americanhoney


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  • ygrowup

    It's somewhat normal, but he may not always be without money, or you may not always have money, so don't let this get in the way of mutually attraction

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    • oh youre so right

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  • SangoNyappy

    You realize people like you are the reason why other people hate rich people right?

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      You speak the truth.

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    • but i'm not rude to people who are not rich or anything like that.

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      • proffesortubs

        lol only on the inside apparently.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Yes since making fun of a person who works and saying "Something must be wrong with them" is not bothering people who are less fortunate. You are being a snobby bitch. You are apparently not ever going to understand this unless you lose all your cash and end up poor. I really do hope you end up poor and when you are down here with the rest of us we can laugh and point. We could say "Look at the little poor girl Ew! She has to work to eat"! Ew what a disgusting little prude.

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        • Wow man you've really decided to go all evil and insult me

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  • proffesortubs

    I can see why your scared of him asking for money but you should give it a shot, dont be a spoiled bitch, i dont see whats wrong with a working man, unless youd rather have some dumb rich dude who cant perform the simplest of household tasks. but the way i see it, this guy your talking about would be better off without you. "Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is."

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  • Unimportant

    Well, I think this guy is very lucky that you find him "ew".

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    • not really. did bad things happen to you.

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      • What?

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        • nothing

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  • Troll stories like this are always funny.

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  • I hope your not serious.

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    • you're*

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      • thanks for correcting me.

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        • Sorry, i didnt wanna sound rude but it bugs me loadss

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          • You're shuld like not care and stuff,

            Give, him chance and, datte him'

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          • 1000yrVampireKing

            Loads only has one s princess.

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          • BLAh81

            Since we're being petty, you've also made quite some spelling errors. I mean, I'm Dutch, but my English is STILL better than yours, your highness.

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            • then please tell me, i dislike making mistakes.

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            • then please tell me, i dislike making mistakes.

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          • Okay.

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  • Thatguy777

    Wtf? You're pretty selfish and stuck up to not want to date someone just because they aren't rich like you. And the fact that you say "ew" to someone willing to work to earn money!? What is wrong with you!? Not everyone has the little perfect rich life you have. If I were him I wouldn't want anything to do with you. You really need a reality check. Wtf...

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I hate pretentious rich snobs. They are the worst part of the community. Sadly these type up people sometimes always end up having money. So they think it is ok to laugh at the rest of us because we do not live in giant house and go to special schools. Some of us are not lucky enough to be so privileged.

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      • When did I laugh at you?

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          You are laughing at this boy. "Ew he works for cash!" Yes what a low pathetic peasant he must be. So listen princess some of us are not born into money. Some of us are not born with rich parents. Those who are indeed are very lucky. That does not mean it gives you a right to laugh at everyone else.

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          • Well you know like nothing about me, I might be living under a bridge.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              If you are living under a bridge why are you acting like such a snob? That is a lie. It is apparent from what you saying that you must be well off. Since you think it is normal to look down upon people willing to work for what they have. So why would you look down on him if you do live under a bridge? I mean what are you doing in that case? Are you begging from the rich families? If that is the case it makes it that much worse. It means you are poor and lazy and still a snob. Wow you really are a piece of work.

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    • Yea I know I'm selfish but idk it's just weird!! he has a weird job which i dislike

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      • Energy

        Is he a sex worker or something?

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        • That's what i thought too LOL since he never wants to talk about his job!! Idk i dont think so but he does have some creepy weird timetables and he doesn't wanna tell me much bout it.

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          • boston12

            creepy weird time tables? grow up

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            • Yeah, Like 2am-7am on weds for example.

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          • BLAh81

            So you don't even really know what he does? Brilliant.

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            • Gosh I've asked but he doesn't tell me. He'll be like "DW sweetie, nothing cool, so what r u doin'?" (Yeah, writing like this)

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    I seriously hope to God you are trolling you barnyard animal.

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    • buh

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  • kelili

    I was dating a guy with much financial problems once and this quickly turned me off. I was afraid he would ask me money.

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    • Mando

      Exactly - she said he HAS to work - he's poor.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        As opposed to what? Unless you were born into money everyone HAS to work, doesn't matter if you're poor, middle class, hell believe it or not even some rich people have to work, because working is how they earned that money in the first place.

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        • Mando

          I can't know the details of where she is coming from but there are young people who must work to help put bread on the family table which is different than say for savings and spending money. There is nothing wrong with work of course you are right. But the reason he has to work is what I think she finds difficult not that he is working.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Gah, I forgot in the space of reading comments that we were talking about high school aged here. XD I'm not that old yet dammit, why does it feel like I am?

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            • BLAh81

              May I ask how old you are? You aren't supposed to ask a woman that - I know - but I'm just curious. Besides, apparently, you aren't that old anyway.

              I'm 31 BTW.

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            • Mando

              Life experience I guess. It's sure there in your posts. I think the OP is a nice young person who is advantaged and asking the right questions as someone who likes a young guy from a different economic class. Gutsy and honest of her, don't you think? I do.

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          • Thanks, I could've written the post way better and easier to understand...

            None of my friends work, well some might have a small job but that's just to have more money to travel / shop if they parents get tired of paying for everything they buy.

            So it's just... he's so different. it bugs me that, if he was more.. like the people i'm used to, he would be almost perfect. yeah that might sound so evil but idk :( thats how i feel

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            • Mando

              I liked it that you are thinking and questioning. You are not being evil by any means.

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        • that's not what i mean. i mean, my parents work.

          But, it's just, he's my age. He should be having fun and going out with us everytime we do!! well, everytime he feels like it....

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          • BLAh81

            Your parents work? Ew.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Not everyone gets to live an easy life. Personally I think it's admirable he's working to support his family like that.

            I guess I just see things pretty differently now that I'm getting older... I'm in college now and I *wish* I could find a decent job, I still partially rely on my parents support and I'd much rather them not have to do so much for me, most people I know have their own jobs and make their own money and I feel like I'm falling behind.

            Kinda derped on that, I read your age up there and read through the comments and guess I forgot you guys are still minors.

            I dunno, I wouldn't reject someone based on how wealthy they were unless they just weren't pulling their weight in society at all and became more of a burden than anything else.

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  • cranberryflavourlube

    Get over yourself.

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  • dykesick

    its really normal that you think this way.. i know that because i dated one guy like that from my college... i was all "so wat he works and is not like my fren circle" n yea he was a very nice guy. we two were really hitting it..but the money matter does come out as a difference
    i was more than happy to pay for our movie dates and everything.. he was also really nice.. would never let me pay alone.. :)
    but things are different when one of you grow up with most things, and the other does not. what you take for granted are things he may have to work hard to get. if that turns you off.. well, who can blame you. only you know what you want. dont listen to these ppl..they're jealous coz you got the $$$$ :P

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    • that's probably the only nice message i got hahahha

      It's not that having to pay turns me off, afterall, I always feel bad if a guy has to pay stuff for me, it's just the fact he spends loads of time working.

      Thank you!! X

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      • dykesick

        happy to help :)

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  • Mando

    You are aware and thinking of class issues and disparities like being poor because they are there even if they are not pretty. Other posters may not like that but too bad. Nor did you create them. You are just being honest. The question is what you will do.

    The answer is maybe nothing other than use this as an opportunity to deepen your awareness. You are not a bad person because you are advantaged whereas he is not. And you are not unwise to sense that the relationship could be difficult and make you the target of disapproval (as you mention) and resentment (from his side &amp; him).

    PS you got a low IIN score - I also said it isn't normal but that is for social reasons outside your control, not because of you.

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    • And yeah that score is kinda low :/ I actually think people are not saying all the truth. I mean, it's not that easy to date somebody who's that different to you.

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      • Mando

        Oh relax. You're being honest. You just happen to be well off. That's no crime.

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    • Gravy

      Wise words. Accept the lady did say she feels ew because he works. Other than the lady has valid concerns.

      To the lady, this is not dissimilar inter-racial and relationships of different religions. There will always be disapproving self righteous judgements.

      The answer is simple, if you love him, date him. If you like him but not seriously, you can always be fuck buddies without commitment.

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      • It's just, I do like him but IT's really hard for me to be able to like him enough without.. doubts... It's just... this means i will suggest going to the cinema and he'll be like "no i cant, gotta work" or we won't be travelling or he won't gift me something super cute for my xmas :| god i know it's so fake from me and this shows i'm a cunt but idk i still think of this. it confuses me. and it sucks

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        • BLAh81

          "this shows i'm a cunt"


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          • lol hi

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  • Charmo

    What's sad is that the poll creator will likely just chalk up all these posts pointing out what a horribly stuck-up, snobby, spoiled, bratty bitch she is as just "haters hating because they're jealous" rather than a sign that there is something seriously wrong with her way of thinking. The reason people think you were trolling is because your post is pretty much the embodiment of every spoiled rich girl stereotype condensed into one paragraph. The fact that people honestly thought you were trolling is indicative of just how over-the-top your pretentiousness is.

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  • Wow....yeah no sweetie don't worry. In fact, don't even think on this one because here's the answer: he doesn't deserve a stuck up, snobby, rich, to good for other people bitch like you. I mean really? I work for a living as does most people of the freaking world. Sorry we aren't all "rich and mighty' like you and your parents. My mother grew up with rich parents too. Wanna know what she did? Dated a "low class" citizen, flipped her parents off, and left with him. To this day, they are happily married and making a good living. If you can't see past his living and how he lives or not care what your parents will think of him, then move on and find a rich dude that will gladly serve you, because this guy obviously deserves better.

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  • fullhouse

    Uptown girl? hehe You're a troll

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  • alv1592

    I'm a bit confused. Everybody who has a job works to earn money. Why is it "ew" ?

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  • surrealismatter

    Youre a shallow bitch

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  • MelanieSantos

    Shallow Much!
    First of all you dont deserve him if your judging him and second you shouldn't give a fuck what anyones says especially not your parents since by the look of your description it seems as if their bad parents

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sounds like The Karate Kid to me.

    Is your name Ally?

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    • I haven't seen it. & no.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Oh really well you should it's a great film.

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  • howaminotmyself

    What is your gage for normal? Normal people do work for their money. Interesting that your friends don't have to...

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    • Well, my normality is that at 17/18/19 people do not work. I'm sorry if you all had to get a job at 18, but I'm not used to it.

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  • LordHawHaw

    Are you Hillary from 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air'?

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    • I love that show but Hillary is so dumb

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Yes and you are a dumb rich snob.

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        • Danny, you're so DISRESPECTFUL.

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  • Gravy

    Aaahhh the age old romeo and Juliet / crocodile dundee story.

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  • Gid

    It would be fine to date him. Social status cannot be your defining guide for people around you - he might be great, he might be scum. From what you say about him, he seems nice enough. It's okay to be defensive to a point, but be open and try it out.

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  • openocean

    :( :( :(

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