Is it normal that i don't want my family's dog?

Before choosing if it is normal or not please read the text below.

My parents are real dog lovers, same as my brother.I also am, but not too much as they are.Our family never had a dog before in our home, but they ALWAYS helped random animals by giving them food and water.
4-5 months ago, my brother asked desperately for a dog to have in our house.My parents agreed and they never asked my opinion on this.
Since then, I am having a hard time.The dog chews my stuff, keeps on peeing everywhere and still hasn't learned when it's time to go out.The house now has a lot of dog hair and even though we bath the dog it keeps smelling (dog owners will understand what I am talking about xD).Let's not talk to the fact that my parents act like babies when they pet it...
Don't get me wrong, I am not jealous of it, because it gets all the attention.I am angry because not only the didn't asked my opinion and If I want it, I also have to endure the consequences that I mentioned before.
All of my friends agree with me with the situation*.Every time we have a conflict with my parents, it's because of the dog but they don't seem to change their opinion.NO, I am not saying to dump it in a park.But give it to someone who really cares and want it.I can see through the eye of my parents, that they are not still 100% sure happy with their decision.
I don't want to yell at the dog because he did something wrong.I wish I could give it away and still keep taking care of it, I just don't like having it on my home, you know. Tell me your opinions on this guys!

*Sorry If I am being arrogant, but the reason that I am saying this, it's because I really don't understand where I am wrong.

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 10 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • charli.m

    Why don't you try picking up the slack in responsibility and train the dog yourself?

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  • RoseIsabella

    None of this is the dog's fault. It's your family's fault for not training him.

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  • Ellenna

    If this is a puppy I hope someone is toilet training it or it will never learn not to pee inside. What sort of a dog is it? Some dogs have smellier coats than others, but bathing it too frequently won't help. If there's lots of dog hair the dog needs to be groomed regularly.

    Honestly, if these things aren't being taken into account it doesn't sound as if your family know very much about living with dogs.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Stage its suicide

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  • CoolKober

    Dogs are intelligent and trainable, but he loses a great trainer, you could discuss with your parents. An ill-trained dog may not only destroy the house but also hurt someone when you or your families walk him outside. You could choose to train the pup by yourself or hiring a trainer. I suggest you could learn some methods on google or youtube and conduct your pup step by step. Start from obedience training and leash training. Also, if you dislike he runs in the house, you could put him into a crate when you can't eyeball him,but make sure he has gone through crate training.

    Here are some articles about the training.

    Obedience training under commands:

    Crate training:

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  • noid

    The dog needs to go out something like every hour until it learns to go outside to potty, and give it a treat everytime it does potty outside.

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  • brutus

    The doggo needs potty training. I think you should walk the dog on a leash where he is supposed to go potty until he goes and it will hopefully become a habit.
    For chewing problems buy a chew toy or a bone for the dog.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yell at em AS theyre doin somethin wrong not after

    yell the command word (NO! or NYET! or whatever) once in the act and stop em firmly but not violently

    its dawg trainin 101

    yall could be the difference between said dawg bein a great pet & lifelong loyal friend or a fuckin abuse horror story

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