Is it normal that i don't want to die of old age

Alright, so I REALLY don't want to die of old age. I'd literally rather die of cancer- that's not a joke. The thought terrifies me, I don't know why. I've actually thought of *trigger warning* killing myself once I turn 30 or 40 or something. Also, no, I'm not seeing a therapist about this, nor do I have any intention to.

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46% Normal
Based on 83 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • AnimeNightLight

    Im young, but I'm still curious where my life's going to lead. Killing myself now and never knowing? Sounds boring.

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    Dying of old age is better and painless rather than dying of painful health conditions like cancer , heart attacks.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    If you think of 30 as old, you must be a very young puppy.
    Believe it or not, some people live to be as old as 50!

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    • lordofopinions

      50! WOW. Really! LOL

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    • Leika

      I don't think 30 is old, I just don't want to live past it.

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      • Ellenna

        Bet you change your mind when you get to 30!

        I'm 70 and there's a lot I hate about being this old, but it's still better than the alternative, at least so far.

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        • jillann123

          Hi Ellenna,

          70 is really not that old today. It was many years ago. People live much longer today. And I know many people in their 70's who are very youthful. I can't believe that someone on here doesn't want to live past 30 or thinks that 30 is "old" which is truly ridiculous. I don't mind being older because I think I am wiser and I no longer make the same stupid mistakes I did when I was much younger.

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          • Leika

            I don't think 30 is old.. It's more that I'm worried about my future and am worried to live past 30.

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      • Azaman

        I would've agreed with you 10 years ago... But now 30 is a year and a half away for me, I certainly don't feel this old... There's very few things keeping me going. But I know several people who've committed suicide, including a parent, and the amount of hurt and loss you leave behind is one of the main reasons not to consider it as an option.
        There are also many great things about being alive, sometimes it's just hard to recognize them.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Meh. If you don't want to live after a certain point, that's your choice and no one should try to stop you. Just don't leave a financial or physical mess when you go.

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  • Gilda

    I do not want to die of old age either,but I would rather die unexpected

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  • Then party hard and die of drugs(heroin,crack,meth,booze) etc.

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  • jillann123

    I think anyone who would rather die of cancer than old age has a mental problem and needs a good therapist asap. I know many old people who died peacefully in their sleep after living a wonderful full life with many loving grandchildren. Die young of a disease where you will suffer and never get to grow older and wiser and see so much more of life? Something is definitely wrong. Get help, dear

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its easy to avoid.

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  • ........

    We all will die but the thing is we don't know how
    or when it will happen, sure i don't want die from
    old age but my recommendation is live for now, get
    out of the house, go hold a guy or girls hand, take
    a romantic walk, sit on a blanket or go out have a
    picnic and please don't consider self harm that
    stuff is scary to take a gun to yourself.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Why? Don't think you could handle looking at your un-youthful self in the mirror? Or is it the fact that you won't be desired as much by the opposite sex?

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    • Leika

      Niether of those. I honestly don't know why, I just get paranoid about things like these really often. I guess it's the fear of feeling exposed or vulnerable, when I think about it I get really scared and paranoid.

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      • TrustMeImLying

        I feel you. There's a reason they're called irrational fears. I've sometimes been in mindsets where I too would seriously consider death than eg. be forced to move back with my parents. But I always get out of these mindsets and later wonder wtf was I on. Rinse repeat.

        For me it's probably because of being a huge control freak. Gotta learn to give that up a bit. Do you think it may be the same for you?

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        • Leika

          Yeah, probably. It makes sense. Thank you, this helps alot :)

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