Is it normal that i don't want to hangout with friends anymore?

One of my first and basically longest jobs is a shop assistant. I'm just 23 but I'm working like that a little over three years. I used to really like it, I liked talking with people, giving them advice what product would be the best for them or what gift should they buy etc.
I always liked talking to people, making new friends and so on. But I noticed that since I'm with my boyfriend and he loves going out (my ex was the complete opposite and I wanted someone more outgoing) I started to make excuses to not go out and meet with his friends. I started doing the same to my friends too. I like texting with them but when I'm not at work and I have free time I want to spend it at home, with my bf or just alone. Doing my hobbies or playing PC games.

He said to me several times, that he doesn't like how I make excuses not to meet people and that it bothers him because he feels it's not okay that I spend time only with him and almost none else.

Does this happened to you? That you changed personality? Am I becoming an introvert? Or is it because I don't want to be with people every single day? What do you think?

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Comments ( 1 )
  • Wow3986

    Very normal. I stopped hanging out with a few of my friends after I realized who they were as a person. See my dog identifies as a biscuit and they had the nerve to laugh at me. Then they really looked me in my face and told me that dogs can't identify as biscuits. Dogs can have an identity and pronouns too!! i didn't need that disrespect and low vibration. a lot of them were geminis which explains a lot.

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