Is it normal that i don't wash my hands after i pee?

I wash my hands after anything else, but not when I pee. Am I the only one?

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 155 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • phil76

    yes. that's disgusting. your being pretty inconsiderate to others. how would you like it if someone rubbed their hands all over their dick and mad you a sandwich with it, or shook your hand. that would mean your comfortable with having their dick in your mouth or in your hand, which is whatever if you really are but just sayin its pretty scary for other people knowing that aren't comfortable with that. it only takes like a minute to fully wash your hands, but even a good 20 second scrub wouldn't kill you.

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    • frankiestrange

      Hahaha, made me laugh so much :D

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  • Dont listen to these other idiots, I dont wash my hands either. If people really knew what went on in the kitchens of their "favorite" restaurants they would never eat there again. Yet they never get sick or have bad side effects. Ignorance is bliss. Phil76 sounds like he is a fucking OCD germaphobe.

    Wana shake my hand Phil ?

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  • Faceless

    Your probably fat.

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    • What'sMyName?

      "Your" probably stupid.

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  • manii92

    Lol.. I wash my hands but if I wake up in the middle of the nite I don't.. I'm guilty

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  • EnVee

    Normal, yes. Very gross, yes. You shouldn't wash your hands all the time because it makes you more vulnerable to getting sick but you still have to wash sometimes.

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  • The_foz

    Most people don't properly wash their hands. There's probably more nasty bacteria on other random things around the house and in public places than in urine.

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  • canada87

    I always wash my dick is the shower. Everyday. My dick probly cleaner then my hand. Lol. You would be suprise how manny people don't wash their hands. Even girls.

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  • Randomer246

    yeah its quite normal ppl sometimes dont wash lol

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  • Terahbell

    I usually wash my hands, but sometimes I don't cause I get to lazy, lol. But it's normal.

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  • theCritic

    My theory is, if you need to wash your hands after peeing, your dick needs a wash!

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  • Oh come on, people! There isn't enough urine residue left on your fingers to make that big of a difference. If you're not working in the medical or food service fields, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. And it's not like you piss all over your hands, and then try to go touch people.

    Phil76 is being kinda unreasonable. When would you ever be in scenario where you're rubbing your hands all over your dick, with the intentions of making a sandwich for somebody? I'm sure I've had plenty of taint on food I've eaten, but that's what an immune system is for.

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  • bulli

    its ok....if ur not taking ur penis in hand....but if u touch it then plz wash....but its not too harnful...

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


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  • orinoco

    I find it disgusting but I fear it is normal...

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