Is it normal that i dont have any hobbies?
I like doing things with my friends, but when it comes to being by myself all i do is watch tv, sleep, eat or go on the computer. I want to find a hobby. Any suggestions?
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I like doing things with my friends, but when it comes to being by myself all i do is watch tv, sleep, eat or go on the computer. I want to find a hobby. Any suggestions?
Start throwing Molotov cocktails. It's a full time hobby, but well worth it.
I personally have many hobbies but its entirely normal to not have something outsiders might deem a hobby. If your interested in getting a hobby the trick is to play to your desires AND strengths, one of my favorite is whittling. I arrived at this because I love to be challenged, I love wood/nature, I love little trinkets and doodads, and I've always been inclined and gifted at making 3d shapes into 2d ideas and vice versa (high spatial reasoning ability)... also don't pick a hobby just because a lot of people do of and more importantly don't ever say you can't do something or it's not a valid hobby because its uncommon or even unheard of cause you might just be a pioneer.
Try reading books! Sewing's a lot of fun too, as is collecting things that interest you, like merchandise from your favorite movies and TV shows.
Not everyone does. I know a lot of people without any hobbies.
Just try to think of something that might interest you. It doesn't hurt to try, right? I am sure if you googled a list of hobbies, you wouldn't be disappointed. I suggest looking through some different lists and picking out the most interesting ones for yourself.
Not really sure whether you have any creative skill but writing, playing an instrument, photography, painting and cooking are all things I've really enjoyed.
But for things that don't require any creativity at all: starting a collection, travel, a martial art, learning a new language?
You could take up knitting or murdering hookers. Personally Id go with the latter.