Is it normal that i drink my own urine?

I know what you're thinking! Ick! That's disgusting! Next thing you know, he's gonna try poop therapy! They're both night and day from one another. Urine is actually sterile. Urine is 95% water and several small percentages of other stuff like ammonia, nitrate, calcium, and such. The ammonia is what gives it its strong smell. It only stinks when it's old but not when it's fresh.

I read about urine therapy online, and they recommend you drink your midstream urine and that you do your morning urine because it's more pure. All the bacteria and toxins come out within the first five seconds.

The reason I'm doing this is because I found out recently that I have diabetes. I read about several things urine therapy can treat and cure. Diabetes is one of them. Cancer is another. It's an ancient method that originated in India and spread to other parts of Asia like China and such. I read about a guy in India who lived to be 100 by drinking his own urine every day. The guy looked like he was maybe 60 when he was in his 90's.

That's because he also applied urine to his skin to rejuvenate it. I've read that you can even rub your urine unto your scalp to regrow hair if you're growing bald. I hope you all realize that Rogaine is actually made from rat piss. There are many drugs and treatments made from urea which is the main thing in urine.

The reason why urine therapy hasn't been scientifically proven and never will be is because half the doctors and pharmaceutical companies around the world would be out of business if it was common knowledge. I intend to drink a cup of my morning urine every day for the rest of my life and also apply it to my face to look forever young.

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25% Normal
Based on 60 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • iamarobot

    Hey, if you think the disgusting parts of this are balanced by the good parts, do what you want. Only stop if it effects you in a negative way

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    • Daugenstein2

      Well? I donate plasma twice a week. The phlebotomists allowed me to come back after the suspended me one time when they did their research and learned it's not at all harmful. People do it to survive sometimes.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I don't think its normal.

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  • lovetolickass

    i drank mine i want to drink my wifes

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    • AnnonCannon

      what else can we expect from screename 'lovetolickass'

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  • Anewbis

    I've wondered for a while now if the same effect could be had from removing all of the water and consuming the urine in capsulated pill form to overcome people's squeamishness if it proves to be beneficial.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Highly unlikely because you're drinking someone else's urine not your own. Also, they recommend you drink it within 15 minutes of expulsion because THEN bacteria can grow inside of it.

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      • Anewbis

        hmm, I'm not talking about ingesting the urine of others, I'm talking about ingesting your own urine from yesterday or the day before. Heating it to the temp needed to distill the water off will keep bacteria from forming and the trace elements, (sans H2O)would still prime the bodies natural defenses... if this is indeed what drinking one's own urine does in the first place.

        Big 'if'.

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