Is it normal that i eat everything on my plate at every meal?
My mom said that even as a young girl, I subconsciously ate everything in my plate at every meal.
I admit, I scrape a lot with my spoon/fork to get little bits of food, like rice, which could be annoying to some. Usually, I leave used sauce, like ketchup, on the plate.
My siblings have accused me of being OCD, which I believe is too far of an assumption. I learned about the symptoms of OCD and I don't believe my habit falls in that category. Sometimes, they've taunted me by telling me that I have to leave a scrap on my plate, and surprisingly enough, it bugs me when I do so.
I find myself secretly a bit disappointed when I see the average person not completely finish everything off their plate.
Even worse, as a waitress, I frequently see people throw away +50% of their food that I have to bus often.
So, is it normal fans, Is It Normal or Not?